It only takes one generation to change society. Lenin said all he needed was one generation of youth to import Marxism into a country. The Soviet KGB dealt primarily in subversion—not espionage. Red blooded Americans understand none of this today. If they did, they wouldn’t have handed America over on a silver platter to the elites. Now I know what you’re thinking, “how did this happen?” You see a good half the population rise up with bitter anti-American sentiment and maybe you got an idea. It’s those damn libtards, right?!
The more I try to research and diagnose the problem—so as to find a solution—the deeper down the rabbit hole I go. The first step is understanding your enemy. Right and left easily just spend all their time attacking each other to no avail because they’re talking past each other. The right burns it’s energy wailing about leftist hypocrisy meanwhile the left treats them like insane, uneducated bigots. There’s no conversation, just a further divide between the two.
There may be no reconciliation between Americans. It may be too far gone, but for the red blooded Americans still out there, I hope to help you better understand where the enemy is coming from and how you’re being subverted. The Founding Leftist mythology is intermingled with the modern Americanist Founding myths. Many of your learned beliefs about what being American is is intertwined with the subversion of the country.
Warped Historical Views
Modern American mythology deals less with the actual founding of America, but two events in recent history: freeing the slaves in the Civil War and defeating the Nazis in the Second World War. This is to cement the idea that America is the pinnacle of strength and freedom. We’re the good guys. Even the left—which seems to trash on strength and beauty—needs to believe that America at least has the potential to be the greatest country in the world.
The reason freeing the slaves and defeating the Nazis are so important because it makes up the bedrock of current leftist ideology. Leftist ideology is firmly rooted in Marxism and to be frank, there’s no right wing ideology in America right now. Conservatives are just liberal-light. This may be a big reason why they’re failing hard. Propping up these two events as the most important in American mythology helps leftists fight conservative ideology.
The left truly believes that Conservatives would have been Confederates or Nazis if they were living in those times. This belief gives them powerful resolve to stand up for the perceived “weak peoples and minorities.” They truly believe they’re like the US soldiers who staged the Normandy landings on D Day. Reality is they would be appalled if they learned about those soldiers actual beliefs.
The left—and all Americans—have a warped understanding of American history. If you ask Americans why the Civil War was fought, they would tell you it was to free the slaves. The Union didn’t resolve to free the slaves until the very end of the war. The Civil War was actually fought over state’s rights. Lincoln is even quoted with saying if he could have ended the war without freeing the slaves, he would have.
This leads us to an even bigger historical warping: World War II. Ask Americans why we fought in the Second World War and they’ll tell you it was to save the Jews and people of color from the Nazis who wanted to genocide anyone who wasn’t Aryan. It’s widely believed the Nazis started the Second World War to exterminate the Jews. Many Americans believe the Nazis were so unhinged they would fight the world just to exterminate the Jews. Really?
The Real N Word
No, I’m not talking about the N words masters used on their slaves—I’m talking about Nuremberg. More specifically, the Nuremberg Trials at the end of World War II. These were tribunals meant to prosecute Nazis for their war crimes. “Yes of course” most Americans would say. They deserved to be punished for their evil genocidal racism. The concept of war crimes however, were unheard of prior to World War II.
According to OG frog, Thomas777, most people believed before the Second World War that wars came and went like the seasons. The idea that the Nazis would be punished for war crimes was seen as crazy even by United States Supreme Court justices. Many considered the Nuremberg Trials as “victor’s justice” on part of the allies. After all, the Holocaust wasn’t the only “war crime.” War crimes had been committed by all sides.
The United States dropped two atomic bombs and firebombed most of Japan. The British firebombed much of West Germany. The US government put many American Japanese and Germans into internment camps. What about the the millions killed by the Soviets in the interwar years(that took place on Germany’s frontier, by the way)? Only the Nazis were being held to account for horrific acts done on all sides of the conflict.
What happened at Nuremberg shaped the leftist regime we see today. Not just leftists, but most Americans see the Nazis as evil incarnate. What most Americans don’t know however, is the Nuremberg Trials failed to provide evidence that the Nazis were trying to exterminate Jews because they were Jews. What made the Nazis target the Jews was their ideological leanings and the events of the interwar years which can best be described as the European Civil War.
The Russian Revolution of 1917 sparked the European Civil War. The Bolsheviks assumed power and set out to eliminate anyone who was ideologically opposed to their Marxist vision. Much of this wholesale slaughter happened in western Russia and the former German frontier. To say the Germans didn’t see this happening is naive. Germany was ground zero for the Bolshevik Revolution.
The former German empire was broken up in the aftermath of the Great War. Germans were stuck in new territories that were no longer Germany. The Bolsheviks spread like a virus into these weakened states. What happened in the Second World War was less a Holocaust and more a response to the tactics of Bolshevik Russia. It was the fascists vs the communists. The Jews were seen as Bolshevik to the core and undesirable in Nazi Germany.
We see the actions took as horrible and inhumane by the Nazis, but we don’t acknowledge that Russia was doing the same thing in the interwar years. The Nazis took notes from the Bolsheviks. This is how today the way the left tried to condemn the right is by calling them Nazis and fascists and racists. It all originated from the sham Nuremberg Trials. For a generation raised on Nazis being the ultimate evil, this is hard to see, I admit. It doesn’t help when any questioning of Holocaust makes you a denier.
Fake News
Anyone who questions the Holocaust or events of World War II is immediately deemed a denier or a revisionist. They’re crazy conspiracy theorist at the most naive level and Jew haters on the most malevolent level. But how crazy is the idea really? How much of the news today is what we called fake news? Today—if a journalist doesn’t name a source, the source often doesn’t exist. Many false stories go viral only to find out later it didn’t happen the way it was reported.
If they can get away with faking modern news, it’s not hard to see how the Second World War and the Nuremberg Trials could have been mythologized. Remember, I’m not here telling you the Holocaust didn’t happen—it did. I’m questioning the reasons why and offering an explanation(not an excuse) of why it happened.
It’s important to realize that the Holocaust and freeing the slaves aren’t the founding mythology of America, it’s just the new religion. Contrary to what leftists tell you, not everyone is a potential American. The two events that define America aren’t freeing the slaves and the Holocaust, it’s the Revolutionary War and the war between the states.
American is an ethnicity now. If your line goes back to the founding of the United States, your genetic material has changed from your European counterparts and you see in the politics. The reason the mainstream hordes attack white America is the power they have. They make up the majority of the population and still hold much of the power. The true history of being an American is the rebellious spirit of the colonists. The frontier mindset that carried them from sea to sea. And finally, the vicious civil war which was fought primarily by white Americans on both sides.
The first Americans were exiles, rebels, and outlaws. They built the country from the ground up. They overcome nature, the Natives, and the frontier. This was no easy feat. Their efforts changed their very blood and the blood of their children. What’s happened from the aftermath of the Second World War and the new religion that sprung from it has warped the American character. If this isn’t corrected, America will cease to be.
It’s not a long shot to see the Balkanization of the United States in the near future.