“When Zarathustra was alone, however, he said to his heart: ‘Could it be possible! This old saint in the forest hath not yet heard of it, that GOD IS DEAD!’” -Friedrich Nietzsche
There is an essay I wrote awhile back entitled “Something Darker to Consider.” It was written in a time where the idea of many on our side was that to counter the godless left, your own side must return to God. The essay was an attempt to get you to think outside that box. Yes, certainly Christians remain the most numerous opposition force to our enemies. However, I’m more and more buying into the idea that leftists themselves were forged to be the Achilles’ heel to Christianity in the same manner the Christian was made to conquer the Pagan world. By this token, to pigeon hole yourself into Christianity or into Paganism, is to initiate the kill signal of your own movement.
Now I will admit that the right nature for the Christian is to go on his faith. If a Christian doesn’t do this, he isn’t really a Christian. In addition, how many Christians would choose their faith over liberal democracy and choose the path of a new holy war to save themselves? The answer is very few as witnessed by the leftist domination on the world stage. In this respect, Christians are in the same boat of irrelevance as the Pagans. Go ahead and dunk on the Pagans, just remember you’re right there with them in the frying pan.
Now I’m not as hardcore as Nietzsche to say “GOD IS DEAD,” but we collectively have to act as if he is. It’s of my opinion that The Gods are unknowable to moderns. We’ve strayed too far from nature, from the Golden Path. What God is going to help a people that won’t help themselves? Ancient peoples were loved by The Gods because they lived as nature intended. We went from being like any other animal to the dominant primordial beast.
You drop the Englishman in the New World and a couple hundred years later you have a new world empire. Man is made to go out into the chaos and make order of it. Any Warrior Religion that wants to make its mark on the world stage must do this. Nietzsche saw this trait and sought to make it the cornerstone of what it means to be his overman. The ascension of man must occupy the minds the new faithful. To make the race strong and healthy. To diversify the species. To prove our superiority.
It would appear mankind has moved past the need for God. Leftism, the child of Christianity, worships no God. You can make the argument they have made science or blaqs God by virtue of the leftist belief in them — but they would not consider them Gods. I believe The Gods are out there somewhere, but I’m deeply suspicious of the scriptures left to us. What is certain is God or The Gods favor the races that live in accordance with nature, who dominate on the world stage. So if you want to find God, you must first master space. You must first impose your will.
What makes a man a warrior must become the new devotion. To make himself a man of race. The new Great Work must be getting our race back into the frontier where we’re forced to sink or swim. The fight for survival is where growth happens, where the overcoming occurs. Comfort is the enemy of the Warrior Religion. Stagnation is the enemy. You must do as Zarathustra said, become the lightning! Become the frenzy!
Lightning! Frenzy! Revelation!
Friedrich Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra is a quasi-religious text in itself. Even Oswald Spengler couldn’t be separated from it in death, being buried with it and Goethe’s Faust. If you do anything, at least take the time to read Zarathustra’s Prologue. A very short piece — it’s even recommended by BAP for young men to read. The entirety of the book is summarized there as well as the actions he believed a man should take to become his superman. My interpretation of Nietzsche’s superman may be different from what you maybe have heard.
What Nietzsche is calling for is the return to nature, to the frontier. It’s there in the frontier that man is able to become more of what he is. To overcome. To conquer. To master space. Perhaps he saw what the author Frank Herbert saw as he wrote Dune — that stagnation equals death for the species. Pushing yourself to the limits, to the outer reaches, far from comfort, is a necessary feature for the biological improvement of mankind.
Therefore, the Warrior Religion in its quest for superiority, must orient itself toward the frontier. Devotion and worship must be towards greater strength and power to accomplish these ends. Cosmic justice in our religion is victory or death. We are the lightning and the frenzy. We are sworn to vengeance to the ones who have persecuted us, who have held us from the path back into the frontier.
How can this be religious? The only true revelation, the only true religious feeling I’ve experienced is in physical culture. Or as Nietzsche put it, “Life is instinct for growth, for survival, the accumulation of forces, of power.” When you take this path, you’re putting your faith in the blood, in The Way of the Fathers, in how many thousands of years of blood memories built into your DNA. If that alone isn’t divine, I don’t know what is.
Training whether physical, for fighting and the like, or venturing out into nature are just as spiritual as they are physical. The purpose of the disciples of the Lightning and Frenzy will be to take it to the next level. To take our race back to the frontier. To push the limits of what’s possible. To go beyond them. How far have we come since the times of the first men? We must eclipse that feat.
It may be that the leftist has been made the foil of the Christian as the Christian was to the Pagan.
What will crush our enemies won’t be something already conquered. Those that can orient vitalists toward the frontier and militancy will win out. If the Christians can make their religion evolve into a foil to leftism, I’d be first in line to convert. Ultimately, it’d be some new denomination that does this. In the meantime, I want you to consider what I started this essay with: mankind may have moved past the need for God. To face this threat to mankind, you will have to show a superior way and I believe this can be realized in a fusion of Nietzschean Militant Vitalism with a sort Junger blood and soil warrior mysticism that I’m calling The Way of the Fathers.
A Warrior Religion that looks forwards and upwards, toward the frontier. To push the race to limits in order to bring new growth to the species. A Warrior Religion that feeds on what’s in the blood, The Way of the Fathers, and uses the knowledge of the ancestors to create a foundation for mankind to expand into the stars. You don’t have to go as far as Nietzsche did, to declare God is dead. It’s better perhaps, to admit the truth: God is unknowable to us. We master space, we fight for survival, in order to know The Gods again. To be loved by The Gods again.
It may be that Christianity was created as a foil to Pagan Rome. It may be that Paganism was a foil to what came before that. Maybe that’s the purpose of religion, to destroy the old order. But I think it is much more. Whatever the origins, Christianity pushed mankind further than it had ever gone before. Liberal democracy by the same token has done nothing. Leftists may be the foil to Christianity. We however, must become the foil to them. An unquenchable fire over the whole earth and into the stars.
Another post of great POWER!
Check out this writing I just finished on liberalism and that it is a foil indeed for the cabal of zionist lunatics: