The Great Work
The concept of the Great Work—I believe—is the missing link in masculinity. We live in a society that smothers exceptionalism. Most people don’t have the faintest idea what their purpose is in the world and the elite capitalize on this.
What’s the meaning to life is a question thrown around a lot. You got zoomers basically wishing death on themselves to avoid the quagmire of modern life. The meaning to life is easy—pursue the Great Work. Leave your mark on the world. Turn the wheel of mankind. What do you want to be remembered for? Meaning comes from purity of purpose.
The lack of purpose, of devotion to a cause, is perhaps the origin of everything wrong in society today. It’s how we’ve got to the point where there are 38 genders and we’re being taxed to a point that would horrify the Founding Fathers. It’s the reason weak minds are seduced by Marxism—so they don’t have to figure out life. They don’t have to learn how to thrive, just suck the tit of big brother. Of course, this way has many second order consequences they didn’t think about.
The Consequences of Having No Purpose
Lack of purpose encourages self-destructive behaviors in men. Whether you realize it or not, men are social animals. The feeling that you’re not contributing to your tribe will send a signal to your brain that you’re worthless. This signal sends you down the path of self-destruction. If you’re interested in the inter-connectedness of mankind, I recommend book The Global Brain by Howard Bloom.
In this book, Bloom talks about how—though we don’t realize it—mankind is connected. Many who believed themselves worthless to society end up taking their own lives. Inhumane studies on animals have shown that when you remove the comfort received from a mother to her child, the child will eventually die. This too is discussed in book. These child animals would begin self-destructive behaviors before dying—even though they were fed. The lack of affection ended them.
Men manifest similar self-destructive behaviors but rarely recognize the causes. I have hit a similar rock bottom, but have never returned since though my obstacles and stress have easily surpassed what took me to rock bottom originally. Men will become depressed, eat more or less, and get addicted to drugs. They will isolate themselves from their people out of an incorrect instinct that they’re a harm to their tribe. This dark road ultimately ends in suicide.
The reality—if you find yourself in a similar situation—is that it’s a product of your mind. It’s not that you can’t adapt, but you won’t. In addition, you lack manly purpose. A man with purpose cannot be depressed so long as he remains in pursuit of the Great Work.
Isolation is dangerous.
Most red blooded Americans believe in rugged individualism. The frontier made us who we are. Bare in mind however, frontiersmen were pursuing the Great Work. That same path is not available to us anymore. Unless you’re seeking to reforge a strong society in the flyover regions.
Being cooped up at home with no friends or purpose is a death sentence. There is power in having frens. The community is important to your health. More specifically, a community focused on ascendence, on growth. Getting involved in a gym where everyone is focused on getting better or learning to fight is one of the best things you can do for yourself today.
The Great Work is the meaning to life.
You don’t get to choose how you come into the world, only how you leave it. Getting mad about oppression or injustice isn’t conducive to a meaningful life. Your parents fucked you into existence. That is why you’re alive. What most people want is a highly philosophical reason for existence. It either doesn’t exist or it’s beyond our understanding. You must make your own reason.
If you look at life from the perspective of nature, there are two means of pursuing the Great Work. I mentioned the book The Global Brain because the first means of “pursing the Great Work” is simply having children. It’s a biological imperative that everyone feels. Hidden in your blood is the will to reproduce. This is a way to leave your mark. If you don’t get the job done, perhaps your offspring will.
Not having children is a form of isolation that can lead you down a dark road. Many will argue the world is too ugly or dangerous to have kids. This is cop out. If you’re alive today, you’ve had ancestors who lived in the same time as the Black Plague, the fall of Rome, World War I and II. They somehow made it long enough to give birth to your forefathers. You owe your blood the same.
The second means of pursuing the Great Work is the solar path. It’s living fully the life of ascension. Your conquering eyes are set on the heavens, to leaving your mark on the world in such a way mankind cannot forget you. This path requires you to become great.
If you can turn the wheel of mankind, you won’t be forgotten. There are few who do this. Most will fail. This should not discourage you. Even if you fail in the pursuit, at least you had heart and a strong will. Your actions may influence even greater men to take up your sword. Always chase greatness.
Make the Great Work your meaning to life. If you don’t yet know what you want your Great Work to be, I recommend physical culture. Pumping iron or venturing into nature is great way to reconnect with what’s in your blood. It is there you will find purpose. Don’t believe the hype about strength and smarts being separate. The two feed off each other.