The modern world seems held prisoner by the rainbow flag of the American Empire. I’m certain that given the chance, most would tell you that it’s too much. We’ve gone too far. But these conversations can’t happen. The campfires that might encourage such conversations are crushed as soon as they rise.
Leftism—and by extension, the leviathan—has infiltrated every American institution. Anything that doesn’t dogmatically support the leviathan’s continuation will be made infamous and their voices silenced.
It’s not a matter of getting out to vote. It’s not going to help if you run for office or join your local school board. As soon as you’re found out, they will take you out to the pasture and put you down like Lennie of. The leviathan doesn’t care about the thralls they govern. They only care about “money and power, not ideas” as BAP has said in the past.
No politician can hear you over their insatiable desire for money and power. No, you can’t go put and riot like BLM or antifa. The leviathan will bring down the full power of the law on you while pretending not to see their precious revolutionaries burning down cities.
You’re not going to win playing their game. They will use their overwhelming power against you. They’ll hold you to different standards. They don’t care about principle or hypocrisy. They’re trying to win. The system in its entirety is stacked against you.
The only way forward is to retvrn to the campfire.
“Every campfire creates a culture, influenced by the men and women around it and the world around them and how they interpret it.” -Jack Donovan, Fire in the Dark
The campfire is primordial. I think the best part of Jack Donovan’s new book, Fire in the Dark, is what he has to say about the campfire. The fire represents the eternal flame—the continuation of order. It offers security from the surrounding darkness and a chance for the men and women of this order to regroup.
The campfire is order, surrounded by chaos. The campfire gives your war band time to recoup and strategize for the days to come. Furthermore, you get the chance to connect with the men of your gang, form more powerful friendships. Bonds not so easily broken by the leviathan’s demoralization campaigns.
The campfire gives you to the space and security to train and grow your order, to make your order better able to survive and thrive in the world.
The campfire isn’t always a campfire. It can be a garage where you train with your frens. Maybe it’s a BJJ or boxing club or just a group of men who go out into the wilderness to train with firearms and at night gather around that primordial symbol of order, the campfire. Whatever your campfire is, it builds culture. It forges community. The so-called “community” we have now is trying to destroy us. The point where we could retake the reigns of the old order is long past. You must forge a new community within a new order.
The bonds you form around the campfire, are the bonds the leviathan is methodically crushing.
How else can you explain why the leviathan—when confronted with a “pandemic”—chose to go after lone surfers in the ocean, shutdown churches, close the parks and trails and gyms while letting mobs riot and loot cities? These manifestations of the campfire allow men to talk, to plot, to take action. Without them, there is only darkness. There is only uncertainty and chaos.
You get this feeling something is wrong, but you don’t have anyone to talk it over with for fear they might actually believe the bullshit. And if you take the risk, they might cast an unwanted light on you.
No one yet has the answer to the leviathan. There’s no solid way of countering leftists. Most anyone on our side is wasting their time trying to call out their hypocrisy or ask why they won’t follow principles. Meanwhile, the leviathan continues to conquer every institution we have. Not even the courts will save you. The constitution is just a piece of paper.
Found a new order.
The way forward is to reforge the bonds of brotherhood. Rekindle the campfire. Don’t just shop local, be local. Find like minded men around you. Set up workouts, go camping or hiking, share a beer. Train martial arts together, go shooting.
Don’t do these things on the basis of opposing the leviathan, but on the basis that these activities are good. They’re conducive to building better and stronger men.
The foundation of an order is the most important. We’re not going to unite from the midst of chaos to defeat some towering leviathan out of the blue. Remember, much of what you picked up in your formative years was nothing but propaganda and psychological warfare.
Let us retvrn to tradition. Retvrn to the campfire. Make it a point to reach out to the men you encounter. See if they’d make good frens to create a new order with. Do what the leviathan doesn’t want you to do: talk.
There, by the campfire, one of us may discover the path to victory.