RESAVAGER Vol. 2 is now available for purchase on amazog in print and ebook.
It is a complication of essays on American ethnogenesis, manliness to the most popular topic I’ve written about on RESAVAGER: the WARRIOR RELIGION.
You do NOT have time read RESAVAGER Vol. 1 or BARBARIC VITALISM before you read RV2.
But you have better purchased all of them or I will send Sardaukar death squad to your location to claim your RIGHT ARM for the War God.
RESAVAGER Vol. 2 could be seen as the foundation from where my book, BARBARIC VITALISM came out of.
Many of these essays have been hidden behind the paywall on RESAVAGER, so if you’ve been wanting to read them, this is your chance!
2022 was a very interesting time for my writing as I realized that my public skewl education was lacking and had to do much research with resulted in the category Book Reviews.
One book I read and reviewed was Tomislav Sunic’s Homo americanus after hearing it name dropped by Jonathan Bowden.
The review found its way to Sunic through a reader who reported back to me that he enjoyed it.
I felt like I was writing into the void at the time, so to find out that author checked out my review was pretty cool.
To which I must also repeat, best feeling I get from writing is when new reader likes one of my essays so he is COMPELLED to RETVRN to beginning of RESAVAGER to catch up.
It’s been said by people who have been reading me for a while that my writing started off very broad and general, and since has become very specific, laser-focused.
You see this with the Warrior Religion section and I must be honest, this book may have to be taken down at some point after the HOLY WAR begins so my enemies cannot try to deconstruct what’s happening to them.
This is, of course, MORE reason why you must BUY NOW as it likely will not be available later.
A couple of my favorite essays in RV2 are actually not from the WARRIOR RELIGION section.
The first is my review of GILGAMESH called The Road to Utnapishtim. Gilgamesh’s journey to the edge of the world is the most compelling part of Gilgamesh in the entire epic.
To see an ancient hero striving so hard to escape death.
Also my frontier poasting which caps RV2 about my experience from a desert trip are among my favorite in the book. FRONTIER POWER.
It is a reminder that when you’re on the FRONTIER, none of this shit we think matters actually does.
Go out to the FRONTIER to find out what’s really important.
This book is the longest book I put out. I actually had to reduce the font size as the formatting I used for my other books put it in an unruly 460 pages.
Here is link to RESAVAGER Vol. 2:
Barbaric Vitalism had a strong impact on me, so I read the first collection and have bought the second. Looking forward to reading it.
I went ahead and ordered both resavager books - excited to read em, and I'll post some book reports when I am finished. Hail victory!