We have found solace in this online world.
We have a found a place to escape the drudgery, the insanity of the world around us.
We have found solace in knowing that there are others like us. Others that feel the way we do. Who feel persecuted in the way we are persecuted. Our frens…Our kin…
The proof that there are others is the evidence you aren’t crazy. That the world HAS gone wrong. It’s gone off the rails.
There is great power in this event. God has brought us together for a reason. You must believe this.
You can’t, however, remain in the solace. You can’t choose to remain in this world. It is not real. It will not save you.
What is it but PURGATORY made manifest?
You find your solace, however temporary it is, but around you the world moves forward. It’s guided by the hands of our enemies. The longer you remain here, the further gone it becomes. Is that not purgatory?
That place is but the first level of the HELL our enemies have created for us. A place where we can watch the land of our fathers burn to the ground and be powerless to stop it.
Our kin have lived in this land for four hundred years and it is our generation that will see it captured by our enemies.
I tell you now to reject the hand that was dealt to you. To this online world for what it is: PURGATORY. You were sent there for a reason. To be absolved of your sins.
But you must not remain there.
What matters is not what happened online. The world is not online. When you are made to account for your life upon your death, it is not what you did online that will hold any weight.
It’s what you did with the time gifted to you by God.
How did you move the bar? What did you leave behind? What is your legacy? How did you lead your race to paradise? What did you do to shield your kin from the wrath of our enemies?
What did you do to dig yourself out of the grave your enemies have prepared for you? This cannot be done online. This cannot be done from purgatory.
Your WILL is meant to be directed outward. Towards the world. You were made to test your unique idea against nature. You were made to test your mettle against nature.
IMPOSE your will on the world.
This is what God made you for. This is what it means to have faith. To believe. Religion is NOT the world religions we have today. They are false creeds. False doctrines.
Religion IS action.
How you live your life IS your religion.
Do you know why this godless religion we call leftism is sweeping over us today? However ridiculous you think this faith, its disciples are willing to fight for it. Maybe even die for it.
Compare that to our little purgatory online. The message is survival. Keep your head down. You do not win wars by retreating. You do not win wars by surrendering the field.
You win wars by taking action. In doing what you can to put yourself in positions of power and influence. In pushing yourself into the fray where you can do as God intended.
How you choose to live your life is your religion.
Will you live it in the solace of purgatory? Or will you test yourself against nature?
Will you choose the true religion? Will you choose to act? Or will you waste away in purgatory?
What is action in our religion? It’s the ruthless pursuit of wealth, power, and skills. This world of ours grows evermore complex with each generation.
You cannot shy away from the complexity. Its foundations were built by our ancestors and we are the only race that can handle it. The only race that can and WILL move the bar.
It’s choosing not to be a helpless victim to the movings of the world. It’s choosing a path that leads you to the wheel. To wealth, power, and skills.
We seek wealth, power, and skills not for the sake of wealth, power, and skills, but for the sake of action. For the sake of finding victory over our enemies. You need these things only so much that it wins you the board.
Religion is action. My philosophy is my life.
had a FB convo with a former coworker about how his atheism is a religion. using the absence of deity is a religion and his way of life is his religion arguments, he couldn't grasp the concept. i believe he would have hit me if we were IRL. that type of person clutches to their ideal as being the truth so decidedly that they're will to commit violence for it. to me, if one is willing to do harm or kill for it, that ideal is a religion, or at least, theirs.