On Nature is the title of the work by Heraclitus which was lost to us. The book didn’t survive. What was left of Heraclitus’s philosophy survives in fragments gathered from men who read On Nature and later quoted it in their own writings. When you read the fragments of Heraclitus, you get taken back to a different Ancient Greece, far unlike anything you learned about from school. Jonathan Bowden, an English extreme right writer believed Nietzsche(as well as himself) are spiritually descended from this man. What I’d like to focus on here is Nature and our conception of it. To be truly right wing is not to support Trump or the Republican Party, but to have a view of Nature not unlike Heraclitus.
The Enlightenment started in 1685 and it influenced the founding of the United States. The problem with The Enlightenment is that it’s a train of thought only a couple hundred years old though for us it’s always been a part of life. If you don’t agree with The Enlightenment, you’re unenlightened. See what they did there? This ideology assumes the thousands of years of thought before The Enlightenment was unenlightened and should be tossed to the side. Unless of course, it supports the arguments of these Enlightenment thinkers. Our entire western worldview is shaped by both Christian morality and The Enlightenment.
It took time to undo the old understanding of men. You can gauge just how much the leviathan has accomplished by examining the views of American WWII veterans. Those men who “saved the world” would be considered irredeemably evil by leftists today. These men as well as their forefathers had a better understanding of Nature than we do today. So much has been taken from us. Academia claims to be creating the most educated students in history, but a man like the Californian poet Robinson Jeffers(born in 1887) knew six languages and taught at a university by age 24. How many of our powerful college educated leftists can say the same?
Jeffers is another interesting man you should look to. Jonathan Bowden’s speech on him is one of my favorite because Bowden who is able to look at America from the outside(being British) can give a better perspective of what’s happened. Far better than anyone born in the states. Jeffers — Bowden says — was a part of a different America. A hidden America. An America dispossessed by its current rulers. Jeffers was a powerful poet and environmentalist who is forgotten by modern America for one reason: he opposed America’s involvement in WWII and even suggested that FDR and Hitler should hang from the same tree.
A man like Robinson Jeffers settled in the largely undeveloped California. He was considered a tough outdoorsman. I’m a native Californian who gets to see his fellow Californians get dunked on(rightfully) by the rest of the country. Imagine what it used to look like before the leftist took over.
There is a different America, hidden underneath the gay. An America that understood Nature.
The men who founded this country would be distraught at what it’s become. American Anglo Saxons believed themselves distinct from their English counterparts. They detested being ruled by a king an ocean away. In fact, since it’s conception no powerful right wing faction has been able to take hold in the United States. The real American doesn’t want anything to do with Europe. They were ultra isolationist by nature.
Our ancestors came from a confederation of slaves(white and black), their aristocratic masters, criminals, outlaws, and rebels. The fun people the British didn’t want. These people were forced back into Nature and at first, suffered horribly. But they learned how to master their conditions out there on the frontier. Why do you think freedom is so important to the American man? The leftist tries as he may to crush free speech and the right to bear arms, but these rights are still considered sacred to the real American.
Nature as the ancients understood it is nothing like how the modern “American” understands Nature. It’s criminal what these sons of The Enlightenment and Marxism has done to the Anglo Saxon. Most real Americans consider themselves “white.” Which is part of the demoralization campaign against us. The rest of the thinks of us as Anglo Saxons because that’s what we are. It’s time you start using this name again. Race does matter despite what your leftist teacher tells you, but more on that later.
Nature only cares about who wins.
The most important thing to remember about Nature is that Nature doesn’t care who was where first, how the first woman got into Special Forces or how a transvestite broke all the female world records. Nature cares about one thing only: who wins. This is best described by one Ragnar Redbeard as Might is Right. When you’re the mightiest, when the world is in your grasp, you get to decide what’s right and wrong, good and bad. It isn’t fair or “just,” it just is. By natural law, the mightiest chooses what is just.
The mightiest in our day and age has chosen the gays as their harbingers of good and just. It is what it is. The only way to change this is to usurp. The ancients understood this. They called it something along the lines of this is the way of the world. The way of the world doesn’t care about equality, equity, diversity, and inclusiveness. It doesn’t care about right or wrong. It only cares about who proved their worth against Nature.
The way of the world isn’t kind or nice. You think everyone is equal? Why are babies born missing limbs or stuck together if the world is equal? Why do they suddenly pass away in the night? Life isn’t fair. It isn’t nice. The worst things imaginable have happened in Nature and they were meant to happen.
It’s ok that they happened. You can’t change the way of the world. The leftist thinks well, we have to try! No — this is the worst thing you can do. You can’t stomp out Nature. Trying to fight against Nature isn’t morality. It doesn’t make you a good person.
True morality is helping to bring a man up to par. To help make them strong. To give them the power to fight. It isn’t just accepting weakness and degeneracy, thinking you’re a good person for it. You’re letting those people pull down the rest of the tribe. The American tribe is in shambles and very bad people take advantage of us because of it. In a strong society, in accordance with nature, the strong will take care of the weak.
But if you don’t want to be helped. If you don’t want to bring yourself up to par. You shouldn’t get it.
The Anglo Saxon has forgotten the tribe.
A firmly rooted belief in America is race isn’t important(unless you’re black). It’s the evil Anglo Saxon who believed race matters and the evil Anglo Saxon who is the real racist. This belief has probably helped more than any other to destroy the rightful inheritors of America. But if the Anglo Saxon doesn’t want to take back the country, Nature will decree it isn’t ours anymore. Perhaps it already has. Time will tell.
Your blood is important. Your bloodline stretches back to the beginning of mankind. Your race is distinct from other races otherwise why do you look different? We’ve all evolved differently with different strengths. There’s a sense of belonging you can’t find from anywhere else. Americans had this until the 1960s.
Today the Anglo Saxon represents cowardice and shame. He’s dispossessed from the country he was born out of. The government legally discriminates against him. Half of his own race hate him as some horrible racist. The mixture of all the different peoples leaves him isolated and alone. Diversity itself is a means of keeping people from rising up against the injustice of their rulers. Don’t believe me? Just ask Jeff Bezos.
There’s a trust you get from your own people that you can’t get anywhere else. Science doesn’t yet have the courage to look into this. This isn’t to say you can’t befriend someone because of their race or that you have to hate the other races. You can and you should. There’s something powerful though being a part of your true tribe. The hidden America, the one dispossessed by our corrupt, must rediscover this again if it wants to survive.
Liberalism trains us to feel dirty talking about race. Right now the other races don’t matter. Good or bad, you shouldn’t care about them. The goal rather, should be to reinvigorate our race to save itself.