There have been many essays examining what it would take to forge new Warrior Religion, as well as, different Warrior Religions seen in history to use as examples for the future. But now we look to the future. Long ago in the Warrior Religion project, I commented that if he wanted to, Bronze Age Pervert could make new Warrior Religion. Everything necessary is there. It need only be made into nomos for a new people. What would such a religion entail? What would it be called? Would you be worshipping BAP? To start, no, you wouldn’t worship BAP — he is rather a prophet in this faith.
If you have read Bronze Age Mindset, you know that his prologue is very powerful, much in the same way that the prologue to Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra is powerful. It’s entitled “Victory to The Gods,” and it deals first with the story of Heracles as not just an example, but a HARBINGER of a much older force in nature, NEMESIS. Older than all the oldest of Gods. If you listen to his Caribbean Rhythms you have better understanding of this force as a purgative function in nature. Nemesis is a Goddess that descends from night and is the granddaughter of Chaos which is where all life springs from. Nemesis is older than the Olympians and even the Titans. What is the purpose of Nemesis and how could it be foundation of a new Warrior Religion?
Our world is swarmed with the botched and deformed life. All that is beautiful is being dragged through the mud. Made sick by global gangsters in their pursuit of power and money. The entire order of civilization stands against nature. They’re sticking the middle finger at nature, seemingly daring nature to respond. But so far, there has only been silence. A deafening silence that maddens the people who see through the lies.
Nemesis is, as BAP explains, the purgative function in nature. When so much has gone wrong, as it seems to us today, Nemesis sends a harbinger to return the world back to nature and reset the cycle. Heracles was one such harbinger of Nemesis. His coming cleared away the titanic monsters that kept men isolated and afraid. He discovered seaways and got the Greks to look beyond their own walls. He ended one cycle and started another.
Nemesis is the primordial purging fire. She burns down all that stands as an affront to nature. All who don’t follow the laws of nature and the way of God. What does Nemesis mean? Her name comes from Nemean, which means to GIVE WHAT IS DUE. Nemesis is the Goddess of vengeance and RETRIBUTION. She exists to punish those who have committed the sin of hubris. Her symbols include the sword, the dagger, and the measuring rod.
The disciples of NEMESIS
What would it mean to be a disciple of such a Goddess? It would mean you believe she sends harbingers of the primordial flame every so often to return man back into nature. When the world grows too populous, too botched, she sends forth a messiah of destruction to bring about the death of not just billions, but of entire cycles of civilization. These harbingers can be seen in the great men and heroes we remember in history. The marks they left on the world too big to be forgotten. To believe in Nemesis is to believe the power and freedom of the barbarian is JUST. That the coming of the messiah is the coming of a new heroic age.
Nemesis is the balancer of life. She exists to remind man that he cannot forget about natural law, about the way of God. That to tread too far from the Golden Path, to fall into hubris, sows the seeds of his own destruction. Keep faith that this Goddess will once again judge civilization and send forth a harbinger of Nemesis to reset the cycle. To bring forth a new heroic age. How would you show devotion to such a force?
To devote yourself to NEMESIS is no easy path. You would have to do as Heracles did and choose the life of Arete. Strive for excellence. Strive to be the best by nature and not by nomos. Your way of life should hold up under the pressure of nature and the idea of might makes right. The disciple of Nemesis willingly chooses the hard. To be the best by the standard of nature.
The coming of great men cannot, as Oswald Spengler said, be accounted for. They are a force of nature that turns the wheel of mankind. It is telling that for all his knowledge of cultures, Spengler had no answer for great men. The Nemean Warrior Religion has that answer. The coming of a great man is the judgment of Nemesis. The coming of the next cycle and the cataclysmic end of the current cycle. The vital fire of Nemesis will burn down the world of our enemies. She will not let them spread like cockroaches over the earth.
I believe in the future, the disciples of Nemesis will call themselves Nemeans and they will be as prominent as those who call themselves Christians today. Their goal in life is to make themselves a WEAPONS of Nemesis, a weapon of her messiah, and to aid him in any way they can if the time comes in their lifetime. These disciples will treat training for war as worship of Nemesis and her cleansing fire. They will carry with them the belief in Nietzsche’s Will to Power and be life-affirmers. That what matters is pushing mankind to the frontier, to grow the power of their people through the fight for survival in nature. To not see their people driven to hubris and go where no man has gone before.
You must believe this. You go to hell if you don’t.
Order, Strength, and Hierarchy are being mocked in the modern age. This will not be acceptable in the long run.
Outstanding, BD. The more violent, corrupt, perverse, criminal, and destructive the world gets in this Kali Yuga, the more powerful will be nature's ultimate backlash. As has happened many times before in different epochs and aeons, mother earth will dispose of the untermenschen, hurling them off into oblivion as effortlessly as a dog shakes off its fleas.