We live in an age where Nietzsche’s transvaluation of values is happening in real time. What was “good” is quickly becoming “bad” in the eyes of the herd. We are the victims—oh I hate that designation—of victor’s justice.
Most Americans learn about victor’s justice in school. It’s the reality that history is written by the victor. The victor of course, writes himself the hero and the vanquished the villain. Of course, we Americans forget this as soon as it comes to American history. The United States is just as guilty of rewriting history as any other victorious empire.
In this rewriting of history, so to are the rewriting of virtues. Through the dominance of liberal democracy, the world is being made equal and safe for all peoples. This is the message Americans are made to believe in school. The dark side of liberal democracy however, isn’t mentioned.
Masculinity is one of the first victims of liberal democracy. Real masculinity is actually toxic according to the ruling occupational class. Rather, real masculinity in a liberal democracy should be like the characters you see on TV sitcoms: lovable but dumb buffoons. They’re saved only by their strong independent wives who hold the family together.
According to the mainstream, social justice oriented culture we live in now, it’s toxic masculinity that is THE threat to liberal democracy and universal equality. Yet, I ask you—is the problem with modern society really toxically masculine men?
Numerous studies have shown a sharp decline in testosterone from one to generation Americans to the next. Men on average are fatter, less in shape, and less healthy compared to their fathers and grandfathers. Do we really have a masculinity problem?
The reality is we have a lack of masculinity problem in America. The lack of masculinity has created chaos in the culture to where many believe that we have 427 genders, there’s really no difference in races(though science shows the number of different in the millions), and the future is female. All of this is seen as normal by a society where two thirds of the population is considered overweight or obese. Another chunk is completely reliant on big pharma to combat diseases and disorders which can only be described as first word issues.
You would think in this enlightened society that believes in science that we would be achieving the peak of civilization. Our people would be the healthiest and strongest. Our innovation beyond comprehension. Also, because of the “infallibility” of the scientific method we would be set up to do the impossible.
Instead, we have a society of couch dwellers who rely on pharmaceuticals to function and attempt to escape the misery of existence through escapism in TV, video games, and porn. Many have been made mentally sick because they dared to listen to the educators who were supposed to be educating—not poisoning the mind.
No my fiends, masculinity isn’t the problem. The lack of masculinity is. The corruption of culture is.
Real, true, masculinity is eternal. It’s necessary for any society to have if it’s to survive and ascend to greatness. Eternal masculinity is the reason behind mankind’s ascent up the food chain. It’s criminal to teach our young not to embrace their noble nature.
I believe the best description of masculinity comes from Jack Donovan who broke it down past idealism to the basic tribe or gang. What would a man have to be in order to help his gang survive and protect the perimeter. Donovan listed the virtues required of such men as strength, courage, mastery, and honor. Reading his book, The Way of Men, is a great way to start for men who want to be better men.
The Way of Men provides the framework to masculinity, but there’s more to being a man. Nietzsche touches on this with his idea of all living creatures having a will to power. The will to power is essential to the natural rites of men.
Modern liberal democracy speaks of universal equality and is primarily concerned with happiness which they think will be achieved when universal equality is achieved. But to achieve universal equality, you must crush what makes men great. You must give importance to those undeserving of importance while simultaneously tearing down those worthy of importance.
By leveling the culture, you remove all desire for greatness. By zealously chasing universal equality, you deny reality of nature. Men must embrace values that destroy who they are in order to fit into such a culture. Liberal democracy must make men sick and weak, just to justify its existence. Such a course will result in the end of our society when—as Teddy Roosevelt said—a ruder people who have kept their virile fighting power decide to conquer us.
Political correctness, the need to be nice in order to stop feelings from being hurt is the equivalent of a cancer inserting itself in the body and crushing the immune system. You then know what happens next.
Masculinity must foster in men the virile fighting power Roosevelt spoke of, in order to protect society as a whole. It’s in becoming warlike that man both finds purpose and freedom. This isn’t to say I believe men should be war mongering, rather they should be capable of violence. Any culture that refuses to do this is setting themselves up for annihilation.
Becoming warlike is also fostering of physical culture. Through physical culture, man is returned to nature and the wisdom of his body, through thousands of years of evolution, is revealed to him in the form of instinct. Nietzsche said there is no greater intellect in the world than instinct.
Just the act of engaging in physical culture awakens men to the dark side of liberal democracy. Becoming warlike enables him to become free and in turn, find purity of purpose.
The warlike man is self-sufficient. He doesn’t require the protection of big brother. He doesn’t need to suck the tit of government for nourishment. This man is dangerous to modern society because he threatens the unseen hierarchy of the men in the shadows. The warlike man has a solid understanding of natural law and won’t fall for bullshit like universal equality or liberal democracy.
It’s through becoming warlike that you get the opportunity to become a higher man. In becoming warlike, you begin to see the nature of man. It’s not to be happy or equal. These are superficial and unrelated to what really helped mankind rise.
What made men great is the desire to not just survive, but thrive. The desire to become great. To pursue the Great Work. To continue your bloodline. To leave your mark on the world. To become a god. This is the purpose that manifested in ancient men. Achilles didn’t care about living a long peaceful life. He wanted his glory to last for eternity. He became a god by dying.