Making the Man
Inside the boy is the makings of the man. It’s in his blood. What do boys — unhindered by the demonic nature of modern parents — gravitate towards? A mother told my wife that her son had a natural likings to cars, trucks, tractors, and the like.
It wasn’t something she taught him to like, it came to him naturally. She said this with much surprise as our society’s social conditioning runs deep. I imagine for her, she expected some like in cars or superheroes to be something imposed on the boy by a misogynistic culture, not something he would go toward on his own.
No, it’s quite the opposite of that. Only the boy that’s been attacked psychologically by the parents shows that abnormal behavior. Boys come out of the womb understanding nature better then their modern parents who have brainwashed for most of their lives.
The attack on the phrase “boys will be boys” is an attack on nature.
This phrase which has recently come under attack is part of a psychological campaign against men. Rome conquered the barbarians through a stratagem called divide and conquer. The American masters use the same stratagem against its own people as a means of controlling the population.
In biology, you learn we have certain autonomous actions that our bodies do without having to think about. You don’t think about putting one foot in front of the other as you walk, you don’t have think about breathing. Your body does it on its own so you can use your brain on other matters.
Scientists likely underestimate the body’s autonomy. Or perhaps, the true extent of it is hidden from us. A boy knows in his blood what it means to be a man. Most men as children fantasized about being a powerful hero who gets the girl at the end. They want to be firefighter and soldiers because they know in the blood what their job is.
The purpose of education is to destroy what’s in the blood. To convince the boy he is wrong to believe what he does. This is the true tragedy of being born in this age. So many are led on, believing they’re learning about “progress,” when it’s just a charlatan’s way of keeping you a thrall.
If you’re a father, prevent the institutions from brainwashing your son and if you’re a boy, trust your instincts.
Trust your instincts. Your mind understands things it cannot explain to your brain. You don’t have to be able to rationalize an instinct. Just act on it. What the school system does is introduce you to fear without the teachings of courage.
If you want to become great, you will have to take risks. Our society only succeeds in paralyzing you with fear. The boy knows in the blood he has to take risks, which is why many go through phases best described as fearlessness. They want to prove their worth, but modern culture doesn’t afford them their rite of passage into manhood.
Many cultures had manly initiations for their boys. Where the boy would pass into the threshold. Experience hardship and emerge a man. The Romans for example, distinguished between males and men. A man was something you had to become. The Spartans took their boys from their mothers at age 7 to begin training.
In America today, and most of the world, boys just become “men” over time. This is not ideal. Some might realize their inadequacy and make moves to reverse it. This is good, but how much better could this man have been had there been someone to guide him? And what of the “men” who never really become men. Just perpetual boys, brainwashed by the system.
You want to know what makes a man?
The man understands nature. He can separate nature from society. Society is designed to hide nature from the people, to allow the elite of the society to garner more power and wealth at the expense of society. When you have power, the goal is to hold onto it and strive for more. The game was always rigged.
The man can see the workings of nature in society. He knows of the only law of nature: might makes right. He understands that all things are organized in pecking orders. Most importantly, he understands that nature was never fair and will never be fair.
The man understands that no matter how many laws are there to “protect us,” it’s still his responsibility to protect himself and his family. And because of this, much of what makes a man is his ability to fight. Men are made for war. What war in the history of mankind was fought primarily by women?
This is not attack on woman. Women are built differently for different ends. Their roles are just as meaningful and honorable as the man’s. We are compliments to each other. The problem a degenerating culture has is when too many people in the culture try to play opposite roles.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus tells us, “war is the father of all things; some he has shown to be gods and others men, some as slaves and some as free.”
The boy in nature has strong desire to fight. The to be make a man, the boy must be trained in war. Perhaps, he will never see war, but he must be capable of it if he is to be a man. This idea alone would horrify the nanny state we live in where progressives try valiantly to create an everlasting utopia of peace. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
What makes a man is his ability to understand nature and master space. As boys, we’re brought into this world and subconsciously driven to conquer the conditions we’re brought into. The man has to be able to deal with the reality of nature in a way modern is incapable. He knows what no one is willing to say aloud. Nature only cares about who wins.