This is small substack, but I received question from @Yeoman360 on twitter about the age we live in when it’s the nerds like Zucker, Cuban, and Dorsey rise to the top. This is great question and I felt it deserves bigger response.
The right wants to glorify men like Achilles or an Alexander because they embody the ideals of masculine supremacy and aestheticism. And they’re right to do so. But when you’re seeing the dorks rise to the top in some revenge of the nerds dystopia hellscape, how can a RW bodybuilder say, “this is the way.”?
The Kali Yuga
The Kali Yuga means the dark age to traditionalists who see the world as one big cycle. Traditionalists claim the dark age can last ten thousand years. Friedrich Nietzsche believed he was living in such an age and he died in 1900.
In the Kali Yuga, the world goes to hell. There’s no preventing this according to the traditionalists. You must do as Evola says, ride the tiger. I don’t know if I agree with this. It’s almost like they’re preaching stoicism and stoicism is gay.
Life Cycles of Civilizations
Every empire falls. It’s not a matter of if, but when. As a man, you’re born, you reach a peak, and then you enter a decline before your inevitable death. Empires and civilizations have similar life cycle.
America certainly seems to be in decline. How long this will last, no one can say. The fall might not happen in our life times. Teddy Roosevelt said “the curse of every ancient civilization was that its men in the end became unable to fight” These civilizations get “trodden under foot by some ruder people.”
There’s American generals complaining about the readiness of incoming recruits. Physical culture is at an all time low. This is a bad omen for the future.
Master Morality vs Slave Morality
Nietzsche too, talks about the life cycle of civilizations. In his analysis, civilization is built by the barbarian caste. The barbarians conquer and then build, becoming the nobles of the new civilization. The virtues that got them there is called master morality. They had to be strong, bold, courageous—for example.
Once they secured the perimeter and life got easy, slave morality, which was found in the part of society that was ruled over by the nobles, started to take over. These peoples forgot about nature and were shaped solely by nurture. This is what Nietzsche called the inversion of values. Weakness became strength, cowardice became courage. Society worshipped what made them feel good vs what made them powerful. This is a splitting image to modern culture.
This is why dorks like Zucker come into power. I’d argue however, just because they seem to own the space now doesn’t mean they’ve left their mark on the world. How many ancient businessmen do you remember? Like none, we remember conquerors and great warriors. We remember the earth shakers and great civilizations. We don’t remember the weasels.
You might remember Ford because he revolutionized transportation and war itself with the car. But how long will he be remembered? The Wright brothers created the first plane, but how long will they be remembered? Do you remember who made the bow and arrow? Or who started the first fire? No, but you remember those who used the tools to conquer the world.
This isn’t anti-business in any way. I think the way forward for us is entrepreneurship because mainstream culture hates the right. Business and entrepreneurship I are tools you use forge the culture you want. They’re ways of laying foundations. We remember Lycurgus the Lawgiver because he laid the foundation for the Spartans.
Generational Consequences
You may be in an age where you can’t affect the course. I don’t believe that means you surf the Kali Yuga—ride the wave—waiting for some better time because it’ll never come. You’ll continue to get fucked by globalhomo. In Caribbean Rhythms #51, BAP interview Thomas777 and I forget who Thomas quotes, but he says—paraphrasing here—“what we do here will have generational consequences.”
He was of course referring to war. When you invade a country, your actions where will have generational consequences. Most people don’t see past their own lives even on the grand stage of war between nations. I believe it necessary to think in these terms. You may not be able to change the course of the world in your time, but you can lay the foundations for the men that will.
Lycurgus left his mark on the world not because he died at Thermopylae like Leonidas, but because he created the culture that gave birth to Leonidas. This is the way for the right. If you can’t change the world, lay the foundation for change.
If you can’t change the world, create the brotherhood that will change the world. Lay foundation.
If America looks like it’s in decline and the fall is coming, help men become the barbarians they need to become to survive and thrive in the future. Inspire devotion and greatness in your friends. Set the foundation for our rise.
Thanks for the question!