Before I begin, it’s important to remember how few break the brainwashing. Most end up mindfucked for life. I was fortunate enough to be awakened in my early twenties after discovering the iron. It al started with a realization, the man in the mirror wasn’t the man I thought I was.
There are many who don’t shake off the brainwashing, who remain mindfucked. If they’re lucky, maybe they find the neo-masculine sphere that isn’t banned from the mainstream. But this is only temporary solution. Many on the neo-masculine sphere are still thralls to the system. Their knowledge aids, but doesn’t free the thrall mind.
Society’s been waging a holy war against masculinity since any of us were even born. You’re raised in the ways of emasculation all the way through school, taught to fear your inherent “toxic masculinity.” Often the only one who will show you the solar path out of this modern hell is yourself, in shear despair, trying to cope in the modern world. From there, it’s about asking the right questions.
Modern men are raised on superheroes, the idea of equality, feminism, and to fear their instinct for otherwise their toxic masculinity might rear its ugly head. When push comes to shove, not even this effeminate male wants to be known as a coward. He wants to be a hero, like that Captain Marvel chick — an ally to the oppressed.
All men start out with the desire to become heroic.
This is the first question young men will ask, often also related to getting laid. How can you become that guy? How can you be the man everyone looks to when the shit hits the fan? And god damn it, how can he get laid?
One fortunate development of the technology age is the mass availability of information. The answers are there if you look for it. Granted in this day and age of centralization and censorship, it’s harder to find. But it’s still out there. This path typically ends with said man getting swept into the neo-masculine sphere.
There are problems with this. Overall, the sphere is a net good for the war effort, but the messages are often idealistic and separated from nature. They’re also way too connected the conservative movement and often thrall to their values without realizing the leadership of this party is just as fucked up as their “opposition.”
The superhero is in essence a psyop against the man, making the heroic seem impossible in this technological age. You have to be from krypton to stand a chance against the bullet or the drone high in the sky. Superheroes are demoralizing in nature because they plant the seed of heroism without offering the path to it.
And then the young man falls back to the desire to get laid. Getting laid affirms his worth in a way, coupled with the desire to leave his mark on the world through having sons. This is all good and well, but these men aren’t getting the path out of hell. The leviathan has already weaponized these desires against him.
The answer then, falls back on masculinity. How can you be good at being a man?
This is the next step for the man, if he continues on the journey. He realizes he can’t be heroic without first becoming a man. Now, he must first navigate the difference between being a good man and good at being a man. If he gets here, he’s well on his way.
The problem is when he figures out what it takes to be good at being a man. If you reach this point, your reality starts to shatter. You realize the world isn’t what it appears to be. There’s a fake world hiding the real one, like bloat ware on a phone. As Heraclitus said, “nature loves to hide.”
The man who reaches this point must make a decision. See how far the rabbit hole goes or settle with just being good enough. A man at this stage knows how to deal with females, but is most likely still thrall to the system. For example, he’s still a fan of sportsball, binge drinking and the like.
Yeah, politicians are cockroaches, but at least there’s still honorable men out there like in the military. Teachers do good work and your doctor is working in your best interest. But the moment you decide to take this further, it becomes the itch you have to scratch.
It’s not about becoming heroic or figuring out how to be good at being a man, but determining what man is supposed to be in nature.
To become heroic, you must first become a man. To become a man, you have to figure out what man is in nature. Once you do this, you get introduced to nature. The very thing modern education tried to hide from you. You begin to see how power works in the real world and this knowledge breaks this fake reality we exist in.
Natural Law or Might Makes Right becomes known to you. Or as a barbarian put it to the Romans after conquering Rome, “Vae Victus!” Woe to the vanquished.
Then you learn there is a pecking order to every group within nature. A pecking order of species, the food chain. Pecking order of nations. Hell, there’s a pecking order to everything all the way down to the smallest groups. If you want to compete in nature, you have to be a winner.
And from there it begins to get real. The subjects you believe didn’t matter(because science!) or are taboo suddenly become relevant. What if you were lied to on a scale you couldn’t even dream of? All this started with realizing you were being lied to about what it takes to get females and be good at being a man, how bad does it get?
Masculinity just isn’t enough, you must become Hyper Masculine.
Masculinity has gone down the road of boring. It’s either bashed relentlessly by leftists or given this regal-like status by a conservative “opposition” that doesn’t go far enough to bring about positive change or even recruit resistance. To effect real change, to light a fire in the hearts of men, you must appeal to vitality.
You have to see a man for what he is — a beast in nature. He’s driven by a barbaric will to life that gets hidden from him through years of social indoctrination. Depression in the young or later on, the midlife crisis, represent the man trying to reawaken his spirit to fight. He knows something is wrong.
Vitality can only be expressed through hyper masculinity. Creating men who are not only massive and strong, but aware of the reality of nature. Who have the courage to face injustice with thumos. Only in this state can they go about trying to master space, which is the unconscious goal of every man.
Becoming hyper masculine gets you back to the original question of becoming heroic. He returns back into the world with the power of Nemesis, to give what is do to the monsters who rule it.
The hyper masculine man has within him the potential of the primordial heroes we don’t talk about anymore. Of Heracles and Achilles and Odysseus. Of Beowulf and Gilgamesh. Romulus and Remus. Even Conan the Barbarian doesn’t get his due, perhaps the last written primordial hero.
To become heroic comes down to becoming hyper masculine. To reach a state all men dream of with the will to carry out your desires. To impose your will and leave your mark on the world
“Superheroes are demoralizing in nature because they plant the seed of heroism without offering the path to it.”
This hit me like a thunderbolt. What a brilliant insight.