It’s no understatement to say we live in a clown world. America—and the west—is a failed society. Conservatives don’t conserve anything. Liberals don’t fight for the working class. It’s not hard to lose your way, to despair, in this climate. The future is uncertain. How strong is your devotion amongst this madness?
Devotion hits me hard every time I hear or read it, especially as an American. It’s a spiritual power word. Devotion is non-stop dedication to something important to you. It’s a way of living with purpose. You know—what every American claims to want in a job. They’re claim to want to make a difference. To have some fulfilling career. It’s all fake and what they think teacher wants to hear.
The real pandemic isn’t this chinese aids floating around, it’s the uncontrollable division of the former United States. The causes are many. At its core however, I believe the true cause is stark decline of testosterone and the war on masculinity. I’ve spent my best years having to undo the criminal indoctrination in my upbringing by institutions and misguided family members. It’s my goal to get this message out to as many as I can so that they don’t have to waste years trying to figure out the meaning of life or what it means to be a man.
The War on Masculinity
In the Disunited States, the destruction of masculinity is so total that we have generations of men who don’t know how to be or they were just plainly misguided. The best description of masculinity comes from Jack Donovan in his book, The Way of Men.
The Way of Men removes the complexity of modern life. It reduces civilization down to the size of a small tribe or gang. The virtues the gang will find most valuable are: strength, courage, mastery, and honor. Donovan calls these the tactical virtues. What’s the purpose of a small gang or tribe or wandering group of hunter gatherers? Survive and thrive. The men must secure a safe perimeter for their people. Your ability to show strength, courage, and mastery is what gets you honor within the group.
The weak man ends up holding the gang back. He’s a burden they must carry. If he doesn’t improve, either he dies defending the perimeter or he’s exiled, thus removing him from the bloodline. For any man looking to get a better understanding of masculinity, The Way of Men is my top recommendation. The problem with masculinity that’s described by Donovan and the modern world is that it’s considered “unnecessary.” You don’t have to defend the perimeter, the country will be fine if you don’t.
When the need to defend your tribe isn’t there, you have to find a different reason to grow your masculinity. The gang out in nature is just trying to survive and protect the perimeter. I’d argue that this problem still exists, but there is more to living. In his book Storm of Steel, German Stormtrooper and man of power Ernst Junger speaks about what pulled so many young men toward the meat grinder. For them, it was the pursuit of “greatness, power, and glory.” They wanted to become legend.
This is the solar path of masculinity. The pursuit of the great work. It’s the art of turning the wheel of mankind. To have your name among the few throughout history that we remember. It’s in the solar path that you must cultivate strong devotion to your purpose, your great work.
How strong is your devotion? Will it conquer American materialism and escapism? Every where you looks is distraction and despair. It’s far easier to lose yourself in distraction then to conquer despair. What can a man do in this age? Mainstream is completely against masculinity. If you’re white like me, the doors of opportunity are being shut in your face left and right. It doesn’t matter how qualified you are, corporations must become more diverse.
True American Devotion
If you look at your prospects and only see despair, I have some words for you. The American way you’re seeing isn’t the true American way. It’s a fiction developed by the left in the 1960s. They used to say the business of America is business, but now it’s social justice, BLM, and LGBT. The reality for red blooded Americans is much different. The left wants you to believe that everyone is a potential American and we have no right to deny them access to America. They are wrong.
America was formed by civic nationalism. There’s argument to be made that ethnic nationalism creates stronger bonds between people—and I believe this, but that’s just not how America was founded. Today however, there is civic and ethnic connection to the idea of America. You can migrate to America and be American, but for this to be true, in your heart you must feel like you were born in the wrong country(like how the trans is born in the wrong body).
This civic vision of nationalism cannot be replicated by modern leftist. To be a leftist today is to be at arms against the American founding traditions. They don’t want to return to tradition, they want to destroy it. The leftist doesn’t believe in 1776. There’s still millions who believe in the civic nationalist vision of America. That’s not to say there isn’t also ethnic nationalism that can be combined with this nationalist vision of America.
The institutions want you to believe the idea of America comes from freeing the slaves in the Civil War and saving the world—as well as the Jews—in World War II. The modern left is founded on these two moments in history. But for ethnic nationalist Americans, their founding traditions are the American Revolution and the Civil War. They have family lines tracing back to America’s beginning. My own ancestors have been around since before the Revolution and I have ancestors who fought in both of those wars.
If your ancestors came to America sometime after those two wars, you won’t have an ethnic connection to America. It’s more likely you are a civic nationalist or you’re on the side of destroying “evil” America. Both nationalist views are distinctly American and have a place in the conversation. There’s also a deeper vision I have about ethnic nationalist Americans that must be known. I want all despairing American white males to read these words of power.
Frontier Rites
I begun this essay by asking, “how strong is your devotion?” I strongly believe for some of us that devotion is in the blood. When I took the time to learn about my bloodline, I came to a great truth. American ethnic nationalists come primarily from ancestral lines originating from England and Europe. My ancestors have always been on the frontier. My last name has old Germanic origin. My people likely migrated from Germany to France, Belgium, then eventually to England and Scotland.
They were among the first settlers of America. They came as outlaws and outcasts. My ancestors migrated from Virginia all the way to California. They fought in the Civil War. In fact, my last name became what it is today in the aftermath of the Civil War. Perhaps, it was changed to escape the old pre-Civil War life as one of my ancestors moved west in search of power and freedom. He was after all on the losing side. Why suffer in the reconstruction when you can go west into the frontier?
I feel a real connection to the frontier—in my blood. Recently, I seen some thread of people complaining about white people climbing mountains. What’s up with that? Perhaps, in our blood, there’s some innate desire to go out into the unknown, to turn the wheel of mankind. To seek out greatness, power, and glory as Junger said. Maybe our strength isn’t in civilization, but out in the frontier.
My people were meant to go beyond the edge of civilization. Do the hard things, lay the groundwork. Maybe it’s in my blood to desire conquest, to desire power and freedom. Climbing a mountain is just the outward expression of this. They like to call the founders evil colonizers, but they were men of power. They lived in hard times with high attrition to lay the groundwork of this country. Modern leftists would die out long before accomplishing anything like they did.
Maybe the blood of ethnic American males desires adventure and conquest. We will continue to live on the frontier until our bloodlines discover the next great empire. Or, the battle between right and left is just boring. The frontier offers what civilization cannot: the opportunity for greatness, power, and glory.
When I ask you how strong your devotion is, I ask you strong your resolve is to cast away modern despair and mediocrity and how willing are you to seek out the frontier in a time where there is no unknown lands. Make no mistake, the frontier is out there.