The name, American, made to denote the race that tamed the New World, has become something else in our modern day. The word itself was stolen by our enemies and redefined to help them achieve their ends: a gangster cabal empire. This empire’s foundation, however, was built by our ancestors who lived hard lives, fought, bled, and died for its prosperity. You’re brought up to believe that our ancestors preyed upon a marginalized Indian country. Before the appearance of the White Man in the New World, there was peace and prosperity. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Our ancestors settled the savage wilderness. And I mean savage in the worst sense of the word.
The Indians were never peaceful. Each tribe saw each other as enemies and they were as brutal to each other as they were to the “colonizers.” Many tribes actually made alliances with the colonists to defeat their enemies. The arrival of the people we remember as the AMERICANS triggered vicious fight for survival by all sides. There was no easy march from “sea to shining sea” by our ancestors. It was a vicious struggle of thousands of unnamed and unrecorded micro-battles, raids, and wagon circles. Frontiersmen vs Indians.
Our ancestors made a name for themselves as savage Indian fighters in could what only be known as a racial Holy War. This might be a sensitive thing to hear for some people, but you must understand the pain and struggle endured by both sides. The brutality of both sides. The religion of our time is sort of a victim worship where the priests want you to feel bad for the losers as if they were pious and righteous and not at all as savage as the conquerors.
They were cruelly preyed upon by the White Man. They did not have a savage warrior culture of their own. They didn’t scalp their enemies or swing baby heads against rocks until they popped. Now, this isn’t a condemnation in the way the new religion tries to condemn the American. The Americans could be just as brutal because if you want to SURVIVE in nature, in the wilderness, you had to be willing to do what must be done. Nature isn’t nice, kind, or tolerant. Nature is governed by a cruel holiness that cannot be ignored. And it cannot be forgotten if you want to survive.
Retvrn to the Frontier
This brings us to the heart of this new world religion. This idea that you can make the world better. That you can progress. That you can end the “cycle of violence.” The new religion cannot do this. The best it can do is redirect the hatred towards what they see as the perpetrators, the ones responsible for this history of blood: the American Founding Stock. Every one of them was NOT alive while these supposed crimes were taking place. You’re not ending the cycles, just trying to CHOOSE who the next victims will be.
This has resulted in heaps of shame and guilt tossed upon people who did nothing wrong. It’s turned the government their ancestors founded against them. It’s drying up all their opportunities and demanding that they give up their lives for caravans of immigrants crossing the southern border. What you’re seeing today is the isolation and extermination of a people. What did they say about the path to hell being paved with good intentions? Look at me, now I sound like them — talking about victimhood, but let me put it a different way: if you do nothing, you will be scraped off the earth in the most “kind” way possible. This isn’t some call for victim worship, it’s a call to awaken what’s already there, in the blood.
This empire that our ancestors created has spiraled out of control and it’s now eating itself. Many look abroad for the answer, some kind of alliance between the other powers to keep a check on the United States, but these are all pipe dreams. This chthonic creature was forged by our kin and it will only be destroyed by our kin. How, you might ask? The American Founding is disprivileged in every way. Yes, the road ahead is long and unforgiving, but the race quality of our people is the ability to tame the wilderness.
Look back to the last war fought by the US military: the global war on terror. The majority of the fighting was done by the American Founding Stock which also took an astonishing 86% of the casualties in a country where “America is just an idea” and “anyone can be an American.” The demographics changed much since the last war. Many of our people now actively dissuade their own from joining. How effective with the US be without its martial people? The latest recruiting numbers show that the military is barely hitting 50% of its recruitment goals. The US may have to start using hard power instead of soft power to impose its will and that is where the opportunity arises.
But to get to that point, to put yourself in the position to seize that opportunity, you have to remember who you are and where you come from. The Indians weren’t conquered by the might of the British Empire. They were defeated by a people forced back into nature with almost nothing. They fought and died for all the ground they took against what was supposed to be the “home team.” This is why you see the Hollywood trope in movies about the plucky American finding victory against all odds. Faced with the reality of hostile Indian territory, our ancestors formed war bands and set out into the wilderness. Brave men formed warbands — groups of trappers, frontiersmen, and soldiers — in the Aryan tradition to meet the threats on the frontier.
"We should have exterminated all of the Indians." - Pastor Richard Butler of Aryan Nations; Church of Jesus Christ, Christian. It goes without saying that the late, Pastor Richard Butler was not your typical Jew-ass-wipe, Christian Minister. Aside from his unfortunate veneration of the monster, demiurgic god of the Old Testament, Pastor Butler would have made any red blooded Aryan pagan proud.