Listened to a podcast with James LaFond, Lynn Lockhart, and Clark Savage aka @corsair21 on twatter and Clark had a very good insight he got from Ernst Junger’s The Forest Passage. At what point will you say enough? At what point will you be willing to risk jail time or death in support for your cause? This is where we’re at as a society. Mainstream republicans and conservatives like to talk about how many guns they have, but as Clark pointed out, if you’re not willing to stick your neck, what does it even matter? Much of the talk in the mainstream is about survival. But what cost to your honor are you willing to suffer in order to just survive.
His insight into Junger’s book has inspired me to revisit it. What these men are saying is the conversation we need to be having. I’m not interested in just surviving. What sort of world will be left to our kids? I want to inspire in you not just the desire to survive, but to fight and win. Now when you take on this mindset, you must take a step back and see where you actually are. If you’re willing to fight, maybe even willing to sell your life, to what end are you making this choice? We don’t see this sacrifice happening on our side today because we know what happens. Media turns you into the latest example of bigoted racism. Some of our forefathers who actually fought against civil rights, fought for their people, are utterly memory holed. No one remembers them.
The first change people on our side have to internalize is NOT attacking our own. Any one who attacks the enemy cannot be tarred and feather like enemy wants them tarred and feathered. The right will often start talking about mental health or calling the person insane, not realizing they’re digging their own grave, in addition to the grave of the man they’re trying to condemn. Let’s look back to a day worst than the Holocaust that will probably live on in infamy: January 6. Much of the right did not call the protesters insane, but believed they shouldn’t have been there. All those Jan-Sixers are still wasting away in federal prison for crimes no where close to the feral rioters burning down cities during the summer of our Saint Floyd. These political prisoners must be recognized as HEROES and nothing less. There’s been a little backlash for the murder of Ashli Babbit, but no where close to the outrage there should have been.
Yes, their trespassing into the capitol was not the right move. They should have stayed away. The enemy however, is leaning into making it the worst event since the Holocaust. Your duty to the BLOOD is to lean hard into the opposite direction. Imprisoning the Jan-Sixers is a terrible political crime. Their continued imprisonment is a crime against the American government. A tyranny in the land of the free.
This is the mentality our people have to have. The rebuilding of group cohesion will inspire heroism in the future. No matter how bad leftists want you to believe someone on your side is “evil,” you take the opposite course and make them a hero and martyr to the cause. I’ve said many times, it ain’t about hating other races, it’s about taking care of your own above all else. It’s not our problem if poor poc is struggling to adapt to our culture, it’s OUR problem that the government is taking measures against our people to help them. You can’t change how you’re born into this world. Your race is divine. To let anyone go against your race as American institutions and poc have is a great sin we’ve allowed to go on for over sixty years now.
Solidarity is a gay word they use to unite against us, but we must have our own solidarity. All transgressions against our own must be met with force. It can’t be allowed to stand no matter how objective it might seem because every action the enemy takes against us isn’t objective. It’s tailored to help them win and demoralize our side. Principle has no place in this conversation unless you’re trying to lose. In which case, you’re worse than the enemy to us.
Fighting Ferocity
Once in-group cohesion becomes the norm is when the “fun” begins. For years, survivalists and preppers have talked about surviving, about not being tread on. This is not how you win. This is how you bunker down unto an ignoble end. To win, you have to fight.
Our people don’t see victory and because they don’t see victory, they don’t stick their necks out. They’re just trying to survive, trying not to be the whack-a-mole for the left. This is a survival strategy, not a path to victory. Once you get your people to practice social cohesion, the game changes. You can now battle the enemy with the support of your people. Transgressions against one is a transgression against all.
Do not be caught unprepared when this moment hits. Be prepared. If it doesn’t come in your lifetime, make sure your sons are prepared. What is prepared? Know how to fight. Know opsec. Like the Greek hoplite who had to buy his armor, make sure you’re armed.
When I talk about fighting ferocity, I’m talking about both your FANATICISM for the cause and your ability to dominate the enemy on the field. Your purpose as a disciple of the WARRIOR RELIGION is to make yourself superior in strength. FIGHTING and winning. Attacks against our people will not be met eye for an eye, but an eye for a body. This is far from where we are now. Today, they take an eye and we blame the victim for whatever reason. No. You take care of your own.
Our people have immense potential for superiority. Our immediate ancestors made the Untied States a world superpower. Our society has been made sick and weak through the misappropriation of science, but we are not far removed from our ancestors. We can be great again. We can be dominating again. But first you have to hunker down and take care of your own.
Getting the right mind
The important points of Savage and LaFond in their podcast is where will you draw the line? Where will you say, “enough!?” Where will you ACTUALLY chimp out? There are obvious lines people make. Like if it involved their children, for example. This is your starting point. What will make you throw away your life?
Most people don’t know how hard Whites fought during the Civil Rights era. The military had to be called in to force White kids into the newly mixed public schools. Leftists use this chance to talk about the evil racism of the White Man, but I will use it as proof that we once understood that we were a part of a distinct tribe and race. That we didn’t see poc as part of that tribe. These people didn’t want to see blacks as slaves, but they also didn’t want to live with them. They weren’t their people.
I’m not bringing up blacks as the object of our ire. I don’t care about blacks. Talking about blacks is BORING. I care about social cohesion between Whites. Getting Americans to save themselves from an occupational class who wants to erase them from the face of the earth. This is what is important. How do you get Americans to draw the line in the sand?
It’s a matter of confidence. Of having such devotion that you’re willing to die for your cause. It may require much sacrifice before Americans start seeing what’s happening. When getting into the right mind for this task, I believe it should start with making friendships with your own. You might be in a colored hellhole where Whites are a minority, but there’s enough of us still around where there’s at least one. Talk to that person. They don’t have to be racist or on the insane right. Just look for the people with good heads on their shoulders and talk to them.
Turn them on to the idea that they’re having their birthright stolen from them. That corporations and the like are specifically trying not to hire or promote them. They see these things happening just like you do. Now maybe nothing comes from this, but you will have found evidence that Whites, the ones who have good heads on their shoulders and not mindfucked by academia, understand what’s happening to them. Again, it’s not about hating other races, it’s about learning to take care of your own and to do that, we must build links. From there, the line in the sand can become visible.
Great points, but unfortunately it is just a tiny remnant of Caucasians who are racially conscious. That is world-wide. The vast majority are deracinated, dumbed down, cowed and brainwashed. I discern this from personal experience and observation. These miscreants are not, "our own" by any stretch of the imagination and deserve the same fate as our racial enemies. In truth, they deserve far worse.