Devotion to Greatness, Power, and Glory

Devotion to purpose, Devotion to your great work, this is underrated quality in modern men. I know when you hear the word Devotion, you think of religious men which may rub you wrong way in this age of science. I use the word Devotion however, by design. Mankind—and you as man—need Devotion.
Strongly devoted, religious men have done far more for mankind than the dweeb scientific types. This does not mean I believe you should find your nearest church and convert to Christianity or Islam. This means only that you must become a man of Devotion to a higher cause beyond yourself. Ernst Junger said of the men marching off to fight on WWI that they were men looking for “greatness, power, and glory.”
How many men dwell on such things today? Your average modern man is just looking for good job and a female who will give him time of day.
You must find your own religion, you must worship gods that represent greatness, power, and glory in your own mind. I don’t ask you to abandon science and by extension, modernity. There is much value in science. It’s the devotees of scientism, the iNtElLeCtuAls that you must avoid and shun like the plague.
These zealots believe themselves on the side of science and experts, but they don’t have the slightest comprehension of nature or human nature. They see scientists as modern day priests—pure and godly—without recognizing that they’re also men. A scientist during a pandemic is FINALLY feeling important, FINALLY feeling someone is listening to him. Do you not think that will influence him?
By the same token, do you think the scientist is incorruptible because he’s a devotee to science? A scientist is just as corruptible as a politician. To believe differently is to carry great naivety.
Religion and Devotion is far more than the worship of some god. It’s more the Devotion to self, to some higher reason beyond your terrestrial needs. It’s a way of living focused on self-creation and high vision. It’s taking the solar path.
The Solar Path
The terrestrial is of the earth. It’s your basic needs to feel safe, secure, and loved. For most men, it’s just having a good job and a family. But if you choose only to seek the terrestrial, that of the earth, you will be greatly unfulfilled. I believe most modern depression stems from seeking only the terrestrial existence.
You must be a man of high vision on the solar path to find fulfillment in life. The pursuit of the great work, of greatness, power, and glory, is what will bring you the “good life.” Too many men are stuck in the weeds, when they should be looking to the sky. We all know that saying, “it’s better to shoot for the stars and fail, then the sky and succeed.”
It’s no mistake that most religions believe their gods come from the sky, the heavens. Christianity believes heaven is above us. Mount Olympus is a massive mountain in the heavens. Thor is a god of the sky. The solar path is the means of your rise. To look higher, to believe in higher, is your way forward.
The solar path is Devotion to greatness, power, and glory. Make no mistake, greatness, power, and glory is something every man seeks. That too, is in the blood. Even the commies believe that by making everything equal, they will rise from their current place in society(because that’s how low they think of themselves.)
You must ask yourself, how devoted are you? How much are you willing to sacrifice to reach your ends? The answer should be everything. Devotion to your self-creation, Devotion to your great work, Devotion to your legacy. These you must dwell on.