The strength of the American man has been pulverized into dust. That’s not to say there aren’t strong men left because there are, but no one is in the position — at this point in time — to change the course of the ship.
The leviathan has successfully pacified the American. It’s not something that happened over night, it’s been ongoing. Many put the start of these demoralization campaigns to 1933 and FDR’s recognition of the Soviet Union as a nation. The evidence seems to point to this year. Many arguments can be made that started with the Civil War or even as far back as the crucifixion of Christ.
For our purposes, 1933 is a good date. You can argue that the demoralization campaigns waged on Americans after this year blurred the lines between man and nature. It’s around this time that men begin to forget the will of nature and let hubris take hold. But to understand fully the extend we have been demoralized I think it’s best to start with the concept of man in nature.
Fire in the Dark
Jack Donovan just put out a new book titled Fire in the Dark which perfectly incapsulates the idea of man in nature. Man made technology and comfort has surged so much that we’ve forget about the values of the First Men out in the wilderness who built the foundation of our world.
These First Men took refuge around the base camp fire. Everything in the fire’s light was their order and the darkness around them? Chaos, monsters, and the unknown world. The values they created helped them survive and thrive in the dangerous, unknown world.
And what they valued matters because it took mankind to the top of the food chain. They distinguished the good values from the bad. The way we live now is the direct result of their actions and values. If you want to continue the legacy of mankind, you must honor these values and live as a man in nature. You can’t let yourself get distracted by the pretty new things that keep popping up.
There’s much wisdom in the old ways of our ancestors that our secular culture tries to discredit in order to give themselves authority and power. They’re disinterested in the well being of society as a whole. They want two things only: money and power.
What are Demoralization Campaigns?
Demoralization Campaigns are subversion techniques used by the Soviet Union to overthrow unfriendly regimes and install their own regimes into countries without having to go to war(as we understand war). These techniques were taught to us by a Soviet KGB defector named Yuri Bezmenov.
“The media can rape your mind.” -Yuri Bezmenov
According to Bezmenov, the Soviet Union understood it couldn’t go to war against the world. They would lose. So they developed a technique called subversion to turn countries friendly to the USSR.
It started with demoralization. Something that was done over a generation(15-20) years. It targeted the youth of a country. I believe Lenin said all he needed was one generation of youth to install communism in a nation.
The goals of demoralization are to deteriorate law and order. Make the public lose faith in the police while making criminals look like innocent nice guys. Through propaganda they indoctrinate the youth in academia. Social justice and equality are how they did it. Bezmenov was using a word like social justice in the 70s. We didn’t start hearing about it in the news till about a few years ago.
After demoralization, the goal became destabilization. In this phase, you lay the groundwork for the country to tear itself apart. The society radicalizes and opposing sides become unable to compromise. The normal relationships are destabilized like teacher/student, employer/employee, and even parent/child.
From there, a “crisis” is created. The KGB install their guys and then here’s the kicker. After overthrowing the country(through subversion), they eliminate all the revolutionaries that helped them along the way because these people are conducive to a strong society.
The leviathan has already subverted America.
Most everything in the subversion playbook has already took place. The USA is demoralized and destabilized which means the crisis is coming. Maybe covid was the start to this.
What can you do? I don’t have all the answers. The enemy holds all the keys to all the doors. They’ve crushed the opposition. Manliness and strength in America have never been lower.
Jack Donovan says we need to create new orders and art. On podcasts, he’s said men need some rich barons to put our ideas out there. But I don’t think this is the answer. We’ve seen what the leviathan will do to its opposition(eg Gab or Parler). I doubt such a traditional channel can be made open. There is no chance the leviathan will let that light shine bright enough for those who most need to see it.
In Fire in the Dark, Donovan says we — as the new First Men — are wandering around this chaos “looking for a spot to make our stand.”
This can’t be anymore accurate. There’s a “no” that has to be said somewhere. At some point, we have to make a stand. Salvation however, can’t be found in our current environment. We must become like the Viet Cong during the Vietnam War. You must hide in the forests and rice patties, looking for the opportunity to lay ambushes upon the enemy.
Many want to move out of bad areas to states that will better protect their values. I’m torn on the idea. On one side, you will find allies in these states. But on the other, you’re running away from your problems. You’re abandoning the cause. You’re leaving your home to be burned. Running to Republican states isn’t going to bring you salvation. If anything, you’re just making it easier for the leviathan by presenting a bigger target.
For all the bad there is in California for example, you want to leave such a beautiful state to the enemy? And do you think if you moved to some Republican state they’re just going to leave you alone? They will follow you there and turn everything gay along the way.
No — you must dig in and fight. Like the Viet Cong in Vietnam or the Afghans in Afghanistan. How long did the United States spend in these two countries and we’re leaving both without victory. It doesn’t matter how much technology you have, if the will of your enemy is unconquerable.
The Viet Cong and the Afghans would rather die than be conquered. The result? They both embarrassed the strongest nation in the world.
Do you have that kind of fight in you? Are you willing to fight for years? Decades? You must be ready to risk everything, your life included.
Your will must be stronger than the enemy’s.
Vietnam and Afghanistan have showed us the way. You must resort to guerrilla tactics. You have to dig in and prepare for the long war. You have to be willing to go where the enemy won’t. You must break their will. Break their desire to fight.
There’s no easy way out of this. If you buy into the 1933 date of when the subversion of America begun, the leviathan been at it for some 88 years. Are you willing to spend the rest of your life in this fight?
Victory might not come in our lifetime. It might not come at all. I don’t know how it will be done, but I’m certain we won’t find any victory in playing their game. Their people are packed in political offices, corporations, academia, every institution in this country. They control the media from traditional TV to the newspapers to social media.
But none of that matters. It’s all demoralization campaigns. The Viet Cong or the Afghans didn’t break, why should you? Are they a stronger people? They sure as hell didn’t migrate out. They stood and fought for what was rightfully theirs.
Are you willing to do the same?