Born in Modernity
The modern world is designed to make you a slave. Open slavery is looked down upon in the modern world. It puts a target on the back of the would be master. The American masters learned this in the Civil War period. Rather, their goal is to make all of us slaves, but without the title. Slavery itself has evolved from how it’s taught to you in school.
Slavery wasn’t all that profitable to the early Americans. George Washington wrote about its unprofitability. Not that he despised slavery, but he was a man with small pockets. Having to provide care for his slaves when they were sick stretched his finances. The American elite likely came to similar conclusions. The South was just slow on the uptake, creating the Civil War.
America isn’t the land of the free. You’re not free. They let you believe your free because if you believe you’re free, you aren’t going to rebel against the power structure. The American Revolution was a new elite rising up against the old order. All institutional education is designed to keep you in chains, subordinate to the existing order.
Your parents have to send you to school to comply with the law if they’re unable to educate you on their own accord. The goal then, if you’re to go to these institutions is to preserve yourself from institutional indoctrination. How do you protect a child from brainwashing when they’re especially impressionable?
The best way is to prevent that from happening in the first place. If you’re unable, the next step is to take as much responsibility for your child’s upbringing at the expense of everything you else. Work a job that allows you to spend time with your son during his waking hours even if it costs your own sleep. Take less money if it gives you more time with him.
Allow your son to do as well as he wants with his “education,” but inspire him to excel in the things he wants to learn about. Make sure he’s aquatinted with the classics to learn about the first men who took us to the top of the food chain. Education is designed to separate child from parent, you must prevent this at all costs.
Americans believe the most important value is freedom.
This country tries to claim that it is the “land of the free and home of the brave,” but it’s people is neither free or brave. Rather, the most important value is manliness. It’s the manly instincts, as Nietzsche says, to be responsible for yourself that helps you to be free.
Americans are far from responsible for themselves. Certainly, many may believe themselves independent, but the moment disaster strikes, they will see just how independent they really are. As a man, you must be prepared for this if freedom is something you value. An objective eye can see all the ways in which we’re enslaved. You rely on the system for almost everything that matters, from food to shelter and protection.
The free man — if that is something you want to be — is a warrior. You have to be able to exist in the world without the aid of the system. Furthermore, you will have to be able to survive living side by side with a system that wants you to fail. This system only wants slaves. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “war is the father of all things; some he has shown to be gods and others men, some slaves and some free.”
The ability to fight is paramount if you want to be free. Learn to fight. First with your hands and then with weapons. You must also recognize your position in the existing power structure. When you really learn how to fight, you’ll probably never have to. Under the current regime our kind is public enemy number one. The white devil must be crushed.
The most damaging thing you can be called today is a racist.
When I went through school, the teachers did their part to make white children ashamed of their history. Whites did evil things in the past. Their programming was so strong that I didn’t want to look into my own lineage for a long time because I was afraid to find out what my ancestors might have done. Were they slave owners? Did they fight for the Confederacy? What if I have Nazi ancestors?
You are or will be subjected to similar conditioning. They want to break you down, separate you from your history, while simultaneously bringing up everyone else’s. To be labeled a racist is about the greatest mental torture a white can go through today. Recognize this weakness.
You should not be afraid of being called a racist. Everyone is racist. It’s built into our DNA. The world ain’t all black and white. There are hundreds of different cultures. Southern Americans are different from western Americans who are different from Eastern Americans — and we haven’t even left the United States yet. Your ancestral history matters, your blood matters.
For survival, you should never talk about this. The biggest problem facing white devils are other white devils. Don’t talk politics at work or school. If you’re being accused of being racist by someone of a different race do not talk or engage with them. Hell, you shouldn’t even talk to your woman about such things.
Modern culture is designed to hold you down. There are no scholarships for being white. Jobs want to hire different races and if they do hire you, you’ll run into the same problem trying to get promoted. If you need a job, look for one where most of the staff looks like you.
You have to make your own way. Separate yourself as much as possible from the system.