Early on in my life, I didn’t give a shit about my ancestry. Never asked my parents about it or anything. Didn’t care, I was a white American, that’s it. For the most part, I put this on my typical American commie indoctrination.
You learn so much about how evil the Confederates and Nazis are in history class so you don’t want to look back into your ancestry because what if you’re related to em? I wanted to believe my bloodline was storming the beaches of Normandy, not defending them. Like everyone, I wanted to be heroic and of heroic lineages.
Becoming a father changes your perspective.
Going through life not knowing or caring about heritage is a detriment. Not knowing your heritage is how the leviathan mindfucks you into carrying out it’s bidding. With no history, the leviathan makes one for you, one that supports whatever ends they have.
A couple years ago, knowing I had a son on the way, it suddenly mattered to me. What if he asks me where we came from? It seemed childish to hold the same views I had before.
What had kept me from researching my bloodline and heritage before was fear of shame. What if my ancestors were bad men? Yes, the leviathan manufactures white guilt and white hatred in Americans. They use race as a means of control. Keep us at each other’s throats instead of fighting against them.
So I deep dived in the cheapest way I can. I started with google searches to dig into my paternal bloodline. Luckily for me, my last name isn’t common and so I found out much just by using google. If you have a common last name, it will not be so easy.
My dad was from a small town in Northern California. So small, he attended the same school from kindergarten to high school. My family had been there for 3-4 generations after moving west from Texas. Before my Texas, my family was in Mississippi, South Carolina, and Virginia.
One of my forefathers fought for the Confederates. This was what I was afraid of as a young punk kid, but now it’s a point of pride. Another ancestor fought in the Revolutionary War. My paternal and maternal lines have been in America since before the Revolution.
What is American?
The leviathan through academia teaches that America is an idea. Anyone can be American. You just have to have American values which today means you want to bomb some third world country to bring them democracy and tranny rights.
The two most important American moments for the leviathan agenda is the Civil War and the Holocaust. These events are used to unite “Americans” against the founding stock of Americans who still hold some power in the country.
The actual pinnacle events for red blooded Americans are the Revolutionary War and the Civil War(but for different reasons). The leviathan seeks to portray red blooded Americans as evil white men colonizers who have committed great sins against humanity. Any ancestors of whites should live forever ashamed of their history. They should forego their own prosperity so some minority can prosper in their place.
America hasn’t been around long compared to other empires, but it’s been around long enough for their to greatness genetic diversity between the Europeans who migrated here and who we are today. Americans are in a sense — a race.
It’s worth noting that after a brutal Civil War, the Confederates were brought back into the Union. Many historians praise the battle prowess and leadership of the Confederates. Read about Stonewall Jackson. Military bases were named after Confederates. Statues were built. These were all made by Americans who participated and suffered because of the Civil War. But now we live in an age where Americans with no ancestral connection or understanding of that event want to bring it all crashing down.
What that night taught me.
The night I spent researching my paternal line sticks with me to this day. It made me realize that your bloodline — whoever you are — is important. Your lineage stretches back to the First Men, the beginning of time itself.
You owe it to your ancestors to continue the line. How many disasters, plagues, wars, or hardships did your bloodline have to endure to make you alive today? It was a surreal experience to see how my bloodline moved across the United States and to piece together where they were before. If I could I’d want to trace it all back to the beginning.
The ancient pagans saw the worst crimes imaginable as either betraying the gods or betraying your people or nation. These crimes were worst then murder or rape. What you’re seeing right now is a massive part of the United States betraying itself. While the dark schemes are the result of the leviathan, we who do nothing to right this wrong also shoulder the blame.
America is a young country, but your bloodline is old.
All our current America problems aside, our bloodlines are old. Like I said before, it goes back to the beginning of time. It’s important to figure out where you come from, what your ancestors believed in, and what your last name means.
In many essays here, I’ve talked about “what’s in the blood” as BAP says. The way you are is related to the experiences of your ancestors. It’s possible how we think and how we determine what to believe is directly related to the experience of our bloodlines. Digging into your ancestral history may reveal to you why you do things one way or the other.
One example of this. When I took martial arts, my style was often compared to a bear. This is what people would tell me, I fought like a fucking bear. Come to find out, the proto meaning of my name has something to do with a bear.
I have strong desire to go out into nature, into the unknown. Explore new places. Is it coincidence that I was born in California? California marked the end of the American frontier and for the most part, the end of the unknown world.
I got a DNA test for Father’s Day last year and I’ve been able to get a better hold of my ancestry.
Many Americans are being separated from their heritage. It’s gotten so bad that many are choosing not to have kids and are voluntarily ending their bloodlines. This is shameful and a great betrayal to their people.
If you are anything like me and grew up without a care about your ancestry, I urge you to reconsider. Talk to your parents and grandparents if you can. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to talk to mine. No Take a DNA test and see where your blood comes from. Who are your people? What did they believe in? You must discover this.
According to one estimate there are around 850 million White People in the world. This is about 10.625%. Roughly half are male with around half of that fighting age. If you go off of the polling data then about half are on the Right. That’s about 1.328% of world population. So scary. 106,250 straight white men. EVERYONE ELSE IS A MiNoRiTy?
Literally the world vs. The White Man.