I first heard the phrase “Barbaric Rites” from Paul Waggener who created a fitness apparel brand under the name. I wish I had been smart enough to come up with the name because to me, Barbaric Rites meant more than the brand. For me, when I hear Barbaric Rites, I think about the rituals and practiced that got mankind to the top of the food chain. The Barbaric—Natural—Rites of Man. There’s no quantifying the damage modernity has done. We’re so separated from nature, it’s embarrassing.
If you follow the mainstream narrative and do everything they tell you to do, you become one of the walking DEFORMED. Everyone who does what they’re told to do by their misguided family and teachers ends up needing some kind of self-help when they become adults. Whether it’s depression, debt, obesity, or the inability to get yourself a woman—there’s something you must correct.
This is done to you by design. If you were raised right according to nature, according to Barbaric Rites, you wouldn’t put up with any of the shit modern elites put you through. America wouldn’t be this diseased country where some 70% of Americans are overweight or obese. The people wouldn’t be as brainwashed—one way or the other—as they are now.
American leftists love to preach about liberal democracy and how America is an idea, anyone can be an American blah blah blah, but America is no democracy. It never was. These fools just believe it is because that’s what teacher told them to think.
Yeah, the Greeks had “democracy” too, but their leaders were actually held accountable. If they abused their charge, they would be exiled or killed because their people lived by Barbaric Rites. They were a strong people with a strong constitution. No, not a piece of paper like we have, a living constitution based on actual culture that had to hold against real threats to their societies.
Ancient peoples lived close to nature. They didn’t have the technology and comfort we have today. The Barbaric Rites they practiced only appear barbaric to us because we can’t grasp the lives they lived. But for them, there was reason to the “madness.” Their religions are perfect representations of this.
Their gods were strong and manly. How many sons from how many different women did Zeus sire? Hercules made the world safe for travel by defeating chthonic monsters. Thor’s job was to crush the giants and protect the perimeter. The gods weren’t just to be worshipped, they were to be emulated, used to inspire strength, power, and greatness within ourselves.
Why should you care about Barbaric Rites?
Almost all Americans reach adulthood with some kind of deformity they want to correct. To do that they seek out gurus or doctors to fix their problems. All these gurus do is teach them some Barbaric Rite they weren’t taught as a child. The popular gurus must hide the fact they they teach a Barbaric Rite with political correctness to protect their livelihoods from cancel culture.
Modern culture considers the Barbaric Rites of Man to be dangerous, bigoted, and racist without seeing the ancient wisdom they were founded upon. Modernity is the disease which will destroy the west. It’s not something I believe can be stopped, but you and your friends can still partake in ancient Barbaric Rites to insure you—or your descendants—will ravage some future hellscape-America as post-apocalyptic warlords.
Mainstream narratives disconnect you from nature and the laws of nature. Barbaric Rites return you to nature. Every man wants to reach the heights of heroism and glory, to do this they must become strong, powerful, and courageous. The mainstream however, teaches only their opposites: weakness, slavery, and cowardice.
What are the Barbaric Rites?
Barbaric Rites are beliefs, devotions, rituals, and practices done by men in order to increase their fitness. And I’m talking about fitness in the Darwinian sense. No matter how hard the mainstream wants to pound into your head that mankind has ascended above nature, we’re still a part of nature. The laws of nature still apply.
If you want to rise above your slave stock, you have to learn the Barbaric Rites. You have to learn human nature. It’s my belief the modern elite still understand man’s place in nature which is why we live in a society that actively preaches against Barbaric Rites. They want to HOLD ON TO THEIR POWER.
Training is a Barbaric Rite. Training reconnects you with your body and nature. From bodybuilding to boxing to firearms—you must train. The biggest red pill I ever got was lifting weights in the gym. It was there that I learned that if you want something, you must go out and build it. No one is going to give it to you.
Solar worship is a Barbaric Rite. Mainstream calls the sun dangerous. It causes cancer, they cry! How then did men ever make it this far if the sun was bad? The sun gives you power. You get vital hormone vitamin D from the sun. It’s argued that sun exposure lowers your chances of getting the China virus. There is a reason the great cultures worshipped sky gods.
Masculinity(and femininity) is a Barbaric Rite. You must live in accordance of your gender. This whole gender confusion nonsense is means of keeping you enslaved. Going against biology is either your mind giving up on yourself because you don’t believe you can contend in the great arms race of life or strong psychological warfare by liberal institutions destroying your sanity. Either case requires powerful parents to guide their children to the right path.
Courage is a Barbaric Rite. To stay in comfort is to remain a thrall. You must have the courage to face danger, defeat, or overwhelming odds. No heroic journey is partaken by cowards.
Honor is a Barbaric Rite. The modern world isolated all of us. You must find friends, form brotherhoods, create societies of like minds. Honor and shame are the true measure of a man. Guilt is in your mind. Your friends will hold you accountable.
Nietzsche’s Will to Power is a Barbaric Rite. There exists within you—something in the blood—that drives you to greatness. It is your primordial will, built right into your DNA. It drives you to become a somebody. The mainstream does so much to suppress your Will to Power, but the moment you start training you will find it again.
Might makes right is a Barbaric Rite. Might makes right is natural law. Everything descends from this. Might makes right explains the world. The pecking order is governed by might makes right. Mankind is on top of the food chain because might makes right. Never forget this.
Religion is a Barbaric Rite. The Gods are more than Gods. They’re meant to be emulated. Some believe Odin was a man who became a god. This is how you should approach life. Try to become a god. You must emulate the Gods. Join their gangs. Learn from them so that you too can become godlike. You must have DEVOTION to greatness, power, and glory.
War is a Barbaric Rite. Nietzsche tells us that war makes you free. The world turns because of war. Heraclitus says war is the father of all things. You must go on your own warpath. To avoid war is to become a slave.
Barbaric Rites return men to nature. They give men the chance at competing in the great arms race. Nature is unforgiving. Nature doesn’t care about decency or social justice or who was here first. Nature only cares about who wins.