All Great Thoughts are Conceived by Walking 11/27
“All great thoughts are conceived by walking.” -Nietzsche
You should walk more. Every day in fact. Not only is it good for the body, but also the mind. I’m going to do something different with this post. The thoughts I have during walk will be elaborated here. Todays thoughts dwelled on three topics. First topic is victor’s justice in relation to Nuremberg and the new western religion. The second is about being closer to the primitive and the last section is on neo-masculinity.
Victor’s Justice
If you’re born into the west, you’re indoctrinated into the narrative of the victor. Victors who considers themselves both heroes and victims. The biggest mythos of the current victors is the Holocaust and how white men massacred the Jews and how the Allies came together to stop them. The reality is the Holocaust came out of the Second World War — really the second European Civil War — and there’s a large amount of people who still believe it was fought to save the Jews. The Jewish story of World War II didn’t start until after the conflict ceased during the Nuremberg Trial the following year. The Holocaust is propaganda. What makes their suffering any more important than the suffering of all the European peoples during the war?
If you believe in the Holocaust, you don’t know the whole story. You only know what the victors of that war want you to know. More than likely, you don’t see how Germany was treated after World War I and how that treatment set the stage for the second. The people you see as the “good guys” set the stage for a man like Hitler to rise. Historians go out of their way to paint Hitler as the reincarnation of Satan. Hell — he is Satan to the modern leftist. What are the odds that Hitler wasn’t the devil he’s made out to be?
I’m currently reading Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny by R.H.S. Stolfi which sets out to write a historic, more realistic, biography of Hitler without the straight ridiculous propaganda that most historians use when studying the man. Again, Hitler represents evil incarnate to modern day leftists, but how much of this is just fantasy? A man doesn’t rise to the head of a nation state without having some of the qualities of greatness. I will write on this book as soon as I finish, but there are already two stories of Hitler from WWI worth touching on. The first is his heroism and humanity in WWI. He earned an Iron Cross First Class in the war, captured many enemy prisoners, as well as rescued a stray dog during the war(a dog later stolen from him while he was on a mission).
The second story speaks to those of us in touch with nature and the gods. Hitler told a story in 1935 of a moment where he started to believe in god or the gods or prescience. He was eating at night with his company during the war when some voice in his head told him to move. Hitler listened to this voice and moved away from the group, some twenty yards away. A half hour later a shell hit where he was sitting before killing everyone around it. Was Hitler guided to safety by the gods? I think so.
The purpose of all this isn’t to come out as some Nazi sympathizer, but to show how you’re being mindfucked by this gay regime. You think the Holocaust was the only Holocaust in history? It was only the most recent. There’s nothing special about the Holocaust. Millions upon millions of people died in the Second World War — what makes the Jews so important? What about the some ten million Russians liquidated by the Soviets before the start of the war? Why does no one create a museum for them?
There’s argument to be made that the Germans were as much of victims as the Jews. Their suffering doesn’t get acknowledged however, because they were the big bad to the Allies. Do not fall for narratives. You must see the world through primitive eyes, eyes that still see the work of Zeus at play as Heraclitus says. This Holocaust narrative is used to destroy us and our culture. It must be grounded into a pulp.
Be Closer to The Primitive
Modern liberal academia claims to be at the forefront of progressive thought. The lefties are the most educated and progressive people in history. They’ve successfully outsmarted our bigoted forefathers and their racist traditions. In reality, if leftists ever realize what their masters took for them we would see a chimp out on a scale never seen before. Leftist indoctrination has successfully removed western man from nature and placed him in a mommy-security-state. All the mental and physical ailments of our people is by design, to keep us enslaved to the masters who milk us for everything we’re worth.
If you want to survive the Kali Yuga, the coming of the dark age, you have be closer to the primitive. Primitive man understood the workings of nature in a way we’ve forgotten. We’ve come to a point in a time where men believe we’ve left nature behind. It’s even our responsibility to take care of nature like a child would his elderly parent. The truth is men are animools. We’re beasts, THE beasts. Nature is still very much a part of life and if you don’t see it at play you will be crushed.
You have to remember what you are. Man is the apex predator. We’ve conquered the world. What did it take to do this? You have to realize the elite among us are now conquering us and they’ve done a fine job so far. Your only way around this is to remember what’s in the blood. There is a reason the state controls academia. They have a vested interest in keeping your true history and culture in the shadows, to prevent the ultimate chimp out against their reign. It’s only by becoming closer to the primitive, the workings of nature, that you can mount counterattack.
What does it mean to be closer to the primitive? It means you understand what it means to be human. You know history, especially the history of your people and what got us to the top of the food chain. Modern propaganda is so powerful it’s destroying everything that’s distinctly human and turning us into cows. Men and women have roles and jobs in our society conducive to the survival and excellence of the tribe, but globohomo has completely destroyed these pillars. Much of this is just common sense, but it’s not so common anymore.
The family is the foundation of the society. There is a biological imperative for men and women to leave behind children on this earth before they die. How many of these empowered men and women are suffering from deep depression because they were tricked into believing that having kids was overrated? They are the ignoble ends to their bloodlines. 99.99% of them won’t even be remembered by their deeds. The tribe was likely created to assure the survival of the children. A society that ignores this is doomed.
Men and women are different. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see this, yet so many believe there’s barely any difference at all. There’s a reason men built for war and women are built to have children. The sexes have different jobs. If you try to ignore your nature for too long, you’ll lose yourself to the regime. There’s much respect to be had in both roles and both roles are required if you want your people to survive and thrive in nature. There’s a reason we see race even as the whole liberal institution tells us not to.
It’s not necessary to hate different races, but it’s important to realize that the races are different — governed by different customs and values. You’re here today because of your race’s culture. Lose the culture, lose the people. The most demoralizing experience in the west are generations of whytes being turned against their own culture and people, made to feel guilty for shit they took no part in. No time spent on the great works done by their peoples. Traditions and customs existed for a reason. There’s more wisdom in your body then in the deepest philosophy as Nietzsche said.
Science has yet to discover what’s in the blood. They’ve always know about autonomous actions of the body, for example, you don’t have to think about breathing, but if you stop breathing you eventually die. To what extent are we governed by thousands of years of eugenic development? There’s enough collective history of the world to know what makes a people great. Why do some strive and others remain stagnant? Hard times forge strong men. You have to seek out discomfort to keep you strong in a world that wants you weak. Do this for you, your friends, and your kids.
Neo-Masculinity is Gay
Now — I believe masculinity is vital and important for a man to know about, but do not take it to the level of say teaching men’s studies in schools. The tranny security state of course would never allow that, but it’s worth saying for emphasis. Many of these Neo-masculinity movements are border-lining on being gay and this must be prevented at all costs. A poster a long time ago said something along the lines of “things masculine men don’t do: try to act masculine, read about how to become more masculine, and tell people they’re masculine.” When you talk too much about masculinity, you lose what it means to be a man. Men have a role in society, if you thrive in that role, there’s no need to have to talk about how manly you are.
I used to want to make a men’s website to help foster masculinity in men, but the ideas for it always sputtered out. It just felt gay and the reason it feels gay is because this is shit all men should understand. It should be built into the foundations of society — and it isn’t. Any healthy culture would build masculinity into it because without strong men, your people won’t be around for a long time. Some cruder people will just crush the society and kill or enslave everyone. At this point however, the elite have abandoned their people. They believe that they can just replace us with third worlders and so far it’s working out in their favor.
Keep the neo-masculine movement at a safe distance, with a stick if necessary. The gurus may have good knowledge on masculinity, but don’t expect to count on them when the shit hits the fan. Most gurus are glorified grifters. They survive off your patronage. You think you can trust — let alone depend — on these men? They’ll do what they can to keep the business running. They won’t be doing any fighting. It’s important to become manly, but in an authentic way.
Authentic masculinity, manliness, must take into account what the Romans called virtus. We get our word virtue from virtus, but the word itself was associated with what the Romans saw as manliness in their time: the martial virtues. Primitive men were expected to fight. They had to be able to hunt and secure food as well as go to war. Nietzsche said the free man is a warrior. The warrior has the will to be responsible for himself. The well being of himself and his family depends on his ability to achieve victory. This is true freedom, not the fake shit we think we have in America.
Your training should be geared towards making you a better warrior. The majority of the men recruited for special forces grew up hunting and fishing. RW bodybuilding is fun, but you should also be able to fend for yourself.