A new age is upon us and unless we correct course, we become part of some civilization ending event. Civilization ain’t this good word you should hold onto. Oswald Spengler believed cultures were super organisms and had a lifespan of a thousand years. At the end, the cultures became civilizations. He believed we already transitioned into a civilization and the decline was imminent. Nietzsche too, believed the domestication of man into civilization led to degeneration. The degeneration is already deeply rooted into our country.
This degeneration is state supported. It wants our countrymen to fall into the traps of liberal democracy, feminism, egalitarianism, lgbttrans woke nonsense. In the face of this civilization-gone-wrong, Spengler tells us the natural leaders will abandon it to become transients and vagabonds. He saw that as the number of hands in a state grew, the number heads dropped. Power always wants to consolidate. Ten heads want to become five. This is where opportunity rears it’s beautiful head.
As the number of heads in a society consolidates, the super organism itself grows beyond their control. This is where the right gets its opportunity for glory. It may already be happening. China and the Russian Federation seem to think so. With this in mind, I want to reiterate to those on the right who think America can be saved: America as we know today is beyond saving. There’s no turning the clock back. You can only go forward and rise from the ashes of what’s left.
What will take place in this country is entirely dependent on the people here now. You can resign yourself to fate and watch the American hegemony disappear altogether. You can stand and fight, and die trying to bring back the Old America. There is honor in that, perhaps Spengler would be proud. What I want to see however, is a new warrior culture rise from the ashes, harnessing what our ancestors discovered before us: the frontier. That in mind, I want to remind you of a different culture: Sparta. Spengler believed Classical Greece belonged to different culture(and thus different organism from the west).
On Sparta and the Ancient Greeks
It can be unfashionable to speak on Sparta, especially in this sphere. Overdone is a word that comes to mind. But there’s a reason why we remember the Spartans and they are a people you should think about. Sparta entered world memory when Lycurgus the wolf man and lawgiver transformed the city-state into the Sparta we remember today. He wanted to forge a society the idea of virtue and excellence. The babies were examined to make sure they wouldn’t be sickly or misshapen. The money was just heavy iron bars you had to lug around.
The Spartans enslaved the people around them to tend to the land while they themselves focused only on preparation for war. The greatest glory a Spartan could obtain was death on the battlefield in service to Sparta. These men were trained to never retreat and never surrender. Their women were trained to be fit and hold the men to account, telling their husbands as they left to “comeback with your shield or on it.” If you’re looking for warrior peoples and religions, they are the earliest you can look at. The classical Greeks weren’t that far removed from nature. Their most famous hero, Herakles — whom the Doric Spartans believed themselves descended from — is thought to be a powerfuk Neolithic hunter from the dark world before the written word.
There are good things to take from the Spartans if you want to forge a warrior religion for a new age, but also take note of the problems they faced. First among them being their inability to keep up their birth rate. The Spartans couldn’t replace their numbers over time and many wars because of their high eugenic standards. Second, though Lycurgus was their lawgiver, the Ephors were the ones who interpreted and controlled Spartan affairs. Leonidas and his 300 made their last stand against in defiance to the word of the Ephors. Eventually too, the Spartans after their success in the Peloponnesian War succumbed to oligarchic greed.
There is a lifespan to culture as Spengler has said. What we who want to create the next culture must determine is what are the necessary qualities of a people who forge a power culture? Once this is understood, strive to conform to these standards and be intolerant to all who refuse. One thing to remember when you think about the Spartans and all the Ancient Greeks at the time is our understanding of them is through the western lenses. Globohomo wants you to look back at the Greeks for their liberal democracy and how they were all secret homos. Achilles and Patroclus were gay lovers not best friends.
In the eyes of biggest empire in the world at the time, the Persians, the Ancient Greeks were a bunch of savages. Leftist acadamia wants you to see Ancient Greece as the beginning of liberal democracy. Look at the freedom of Athens for example without telling you some 80% of the population were slaves. If you were found to be raped, you couldn’t become a citizen. As I’m certain any who weee abused as children might attest, you are damaged from the experience. It fucks with your mind. They didn’t want you to hold power. How would leftists react to this?
What if you told them the Ancient Greeks were a warlike people considered savages by the Persians who in comparison more resembled the American Empire we have today? This makes the Greeks worth our time. They really are a different people from us though our “intellectuals” want to believe we descend from them. Most normies would shudder at how the ancient Greeks really thought about life, equality, feminism, and the like. Not out of bigotry, but out of UNDERSTANDING of where that thought leads to.
The Will to Be Responsible For Ourselves
“Freedom is the will to be responsible for ourselves. It is to preserve the distance which separates us from other men. To grow more indifferent to hardship, to severity, to privation, and even to life itself. To be ready to sacrifice men for one's cause, one's self included.” -Nietzsche
To those of us after the warrior religion, the first step is to become responsible for ourselves. The Greeks didn’t have to learn this because it was built into their culture by necessity. The city state couldn’t survive otherwise. We do not have this. We’re being made to be dependent on the system that rules us. In many ways there’s incentives to do so, but you must resist this. The Spartan culture was designed to build men up so they could hold up their part of the phalanx, whereas our breaks men down to let mental illness run rampant, to dissuade men from challenging the existing order.
You have to take the steps toward taking responsibility for your life before anything else. Otherwise, your fate will be intertwined with that of the civilization we’re in now and we know where that’s going. There much work to be done, but first and foremost, work to decouple yourself from the system before it’s too late.
Interesting article, though a bit doomer. I think America/western civ's trajectory is very bad right now, but I do think we will win in the end and America will still be an amazing place to live and thrive.
Great point about the Greeks, they basically were savages in a power-comparison with the Persians. It shocked me a bit when my ancient history prof told us Athenian women basically had to be all burqua'd up. But hey Greece's victory over Persia just goes to show you, it doesn't matter how great you are if you irrecoverably LOSE in a war.
I look at the popularity in home steaders and perma culture farming and small communities built around farmers markets. Also the small groups of private doctors setting up home health networks for people who want to pay privately. YouTube has shown people their is another way.
With all that said, great article and I do agree we seem to be at a point of no return.